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Celerity Quotes

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Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent  (Celerity Quotes) Celerity is never more admir'd Than by the negligent  (Celerity Quotes) When things are come to the execution, there is no secrecy comparable to celerity  (Celerity Quotes) The waterbeetle here shall teach a sermon far beyond your reach; he flabbergasts the human race by gliding on the water's face with ease, celerity, and grace; but if he ever stopped to think of how he did it, he would sink  (Celerity Quotes) A full moon is poison to some; they shut it out at every crevice, and do not suffer a ray to cross them; it has a chemical or magical effect; it sickens them. But I am never more free and royal than when the subtile celerity of its magic combinations, whatever they are, is at work  (Celerity Quotes) Time, with all its celerity, moves slowly to him whose whole employment is to watch its flight  (Celerity Quotes)