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There were certain things, learned so young and remembered so deep that they felt like little stones in the center of her mind  (Center Quotes) I have always felt that the action most worth watching is not at the center of things but where edges meet. I like shorelines, weather fronts, international borders. There are interesting frictions and incongruities in these places, and often, if you stand at the point of tangency, you can see both sides better than if you were in the middle of either one  (Center Quotes) If a man has to make a woman the center of his love, why should he integrate animality into this sacred human emotion?... Is love incompelete without it?... Is love the name of physical excersize?  (Center Quotes) A mere 400 years after our fall from the center of the universe, we have experienced the fall from the center of ourselves  (Center Quotes) Worship is at the center of everything that the church believes, practices, and seeks to accomplish  (Center Quotes) Spirituality is that attitude which puts life at the center, and defends and promotes life against all the mechanisms of death, desiccation, or stagnation  (Center Quotes) I believe that the thought that women together can change the world is emerging into the minds and hearts of many of us, and that the vessel for personal and planetary evolution is the circle with a spiritual center  (Center Quotes) The key to hitting for high average is to relax, concentrate, and don’t hit the fly ball to center field  (Center Quotes) Teaching kids how to feed themselves and how to live in a community responsibly is the center of an education  (Center Quotes) When we’re playing a good scoring center, we tell our team that it is not our defensive man’s job to stop the center. It’s the responsibility of our perimeter people to stop the ball from going inside  (Center Quotes) For at the center of all spiritual traditions is the beacon of a truly radical proposal: Open your heart to everybody. Everybody  (Center Quotes) The really tough choices... don’t center upon right versus wrong. They involve right versus right. They are genuine dilemmas precisely because each side is firmly rooted in one of our basic, core values  (Center Quotes) A hook shot kisses the rim and hangs there, helplessly, but doesn’t drop and for once our gangly starting center boxes out his man and times his jump perfectly, gathering the orange leather/from the air like a cherished possession  (Center Quotes) Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within, once you find your center, you are sure to win  (Center Quotes) Chess is a terrible game. If you have no center, your opponent has a freer position. If you do have a center, then you really have something to worry about!  (Center Quotes) I am not very interested in extraordinary angles. They can be effective on certain occasions, but I do not feel the necessity for them in my own work. Indeed, I feel the simplest approach can often be most effective. A subject placed squarely in the center of the frame, if attention is not distracted from it by fussy surroundings, has a simple dignity which makes it all the more impressive  (Center Quotes) I held a blue flower in my hand, probably a wild aster, wondering what its name was, and then thought that human names for natural things are superfluous. Nature herself does not name them. The important thing is to know this flower, look at its color until the blends becomes as real as a keynote of music. Look at the exquisite yellow flowerettes at the center, become very small with them. Be the flower, be the trees, the blowing grasses. Fly with the birds, jump with a squirrel!  (Center Quotes) I totally disagree with the belief that nature was only made for the use of people. Human beings are not the center of the universe, and, if they are to sustain themselves, it is vitally important for them to be awakened to how closely they are linked with the rest of nature  (Center Quotes) Find your center and stay there. It will allow you to live your life to its maximum  (Center Quotes) You can see when someone’s been hurt the way I was. It’s obvious. Something changes in their eyes; pain becomes their center, even when they try to hide it  (Center Quotes) It’s scary to watch someone you love go into the center of himself and confront his fears, fear of failure, fear of death, fear of going insane. You have to fail a little, die a little, go insane a little, to come out the other side  (Center Quotes) Our stories arise from our hearts and our souls. In this sense, telling our stories becomes a sacred gesture, opening a clear way to that deep, ecstatic center where we are most uniquely our selves, individual and unique, and yet are ourselves, joined together at the heart  (Center Quotes) You’re making yourself too important. Guilt comes from feeling we’re at the center of the universe. We’re not  (Center Quotes) When the magic hour arrives, my thoughts center on light rather than on the landscape. I search for perfect light, then hunt for something earthbound to match with it  (Center Quotes) Giving up the center must not here be regarded as illogical. Was happiness no happiness because it endured for just a short time? One cannot always be happy  (Center Quotes) If the defender is forced to give up the center, then every possible attack follows almost of itself  (Center Quotes) My films generally center around thousands of pictures being flashed in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion  (Center Quotes) Physically, the heart is an organ that keeps us alive through a coordinated network of cells beating together. Spiritually, the heart is the center of love, the force that makes our lives worthwhile. Globally, the heart is a symbol of a new organizing principle for how to live together on this finite jewel of a planet  (Center Quotes) I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain  (Center Quotes) There is a prayer that lives in the center of your heart. If you pray it, it will change your life. How does it begin?  (Center Quotes)
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