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One layer was certainly 17th century. The 18th century in him is obvious. There was the 19th century, and a large slice, of course, of the 20th century; and another, curious layer which may possibly have been the 21st  (Century Quotes) It is pure illusion to think that an opinion that passes down from century to century, from generation to generation, may not be entirely false  (Century Quotes) We have a set of sensible policies that are appropriate for the 21st century and which strike a chord of appeal with the silent majority. Perhaps that is why we are welcoming new members every week who have never before been involved in politics  (Century Quotes) Until very recently, the heavenly bodies have been investigated only with reference to their position and their laws of motion, and a quarter of a century ago astronomy was little more than celestial topography  (Century Quotes) Two thirds of a century ago, we were given a national policy. It was made to fit the conditions of the day  (Century Quotes) The scientists at the end of the 19th century had people coming to them with this weird behaviour, and they didn’t know what was going on but there seemed to be a similarity. They needed an answer, so they made up one  (Century Quotes) I gladly accepted the commission but was uncertain about what the end result would be. On the one hand, cuban music was conquering the world; being heard everywhere, and our small island was already producing one of the popular musical genres of the 20th century  (Century Quotes) I think one of the important things that’s happened in the course of the century is that life expectancy has doubled  (Century Quotes) Rather, like the anarchists of the last century, he didn’t care if he was killed or not. They just wanted to be known. We found no trace of any conspiracy  (Century Quotes) I’ve always thought of science fiction as being, at some level, a 19th century business  (Century Quotes) If any imagine from the literary tone of the preceding remarks that we are indifferent to the radical movement for the benefit of the masses which is the crowning glory of the nineteenth century, they will soon discover their egregious mistake  (Century Quotes) We have the crime of the century every six months. So for people like me who enjoy, you know, taking these stories and writing about them, the material is endless  (Century Quotes) You all know how powerful and varied are the effects of which steam engines are capable; with them has really begun the great development of industry which has characterised our century before all others  (Century Quotes) If government half a century ago had provided us with all our dinners and breakfasts, it would be the practice of our orators today to assume the impossibility of our providing for ourselves  (Century Quotes) And their pals vote for their stuff when they’re not on the panel, and it just keeps going that way. and they tend to be very fringe artists, so anything before the 20th century is not worth considering. This is out of date  (Century Quotes) We entered the 20th century trying to deal with three ideas purporting to define or describe or explain three spheres of action, development and conflict: Darwin on the natural world, freud on the internal world, marx on the economic world  (Century Quotes) Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic diseases of the twentieth century, and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press  (Century Quotes) It is more likely that more than a century will pass before we know the structure of the chemical atoms as thoroughly as we do our solar system  (Century Quotes) I’d like to do a story about the medieval ages where in every scene you’d sort of feel that you were in the 12th century. That would be great to get that feeling  (Century Quotes) This part of the 21st century is preoccupied with risk, and there’s a lot that law can do to make lives longer and healthier  (Century Quotes) Two world wars have destroyed in a few years the material and spiritual capital accumulated by centuries of work. The nineteenth century had hoped to turn man, by virtue of education, into a reasoning being: a half century of ferocity has proved that a cruel, primitive beast still resides in him  (Century Quotes) It may sound surprising when I say, on the basis of my own clinical practice as well as that of my psychological and psychiatric colleagues, that the chief problem of people in the middle decade of the twentieth century is emptiness  (Century Quotes) The social psychology of this century reveals a major lesson: often it is not so much the kind of person a man is as the kind of situation in which he finds himself that determines how he will act  (Century Quotes) Einstein entertained counterintuitive notions that allowed him to pull physics from the mechanistic, clockwork universe of the eighteenth century up into the twentieth century  (Century Quotes) It is time to reassess what has happened in the 20th century, and to look at it with a longer lens  (Century Quotes) Probably in most education systems in a sense we are stuck with the disciplines as we created them last, last century and before that  (Century Quotes) The social damage was not in the failure but in the undertaking, which was expensive. The cost of war was the poison running through the 14th century  (Century Quotes) Who knows what the new century holds for music? I predict that we will bury most of the musical modernism of the 20th, with its need to shock and cause distress  (Century Quotes) The essential characteristic of the first half of the twentieth century is the growing weakness, and almost the disappearance, of the idea of value  (Century Quotes) Words have great cumulative power, but in the 21st century, a single image is much stronger. An image suggests the unvarnished truth. That is its power and its fiction  (Century Quotes)
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