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It is U. S. Workers who lose out when employers cannot get the high - tech graduates they need to compete with foreign companies in the 21st century economy  (Century Quotes) In ages past, there was less of a dichotomy between good literature and fun reads. In the twentieth century, I think, it split apart, so that you had serious fiction and genre fiction  (Century Quotes) In the developed world, we live 30 years longer, on average, than our ancestors born a century ago, but the price we pay for those added years is the rise of chronic diseases  (Century Quotes) TV does a thing that film can never do. It takes you to a place that no novel written after the late 19th century can. You can just go through people’s lives; it’s like a marriage  (Century Quotes) By the end of the nineteenth century, the stereotype of the ugly American - voracious, preachy, mercenary, and bombastically chauvinist - was firmly in place in Europe  (Century Quotes) When modern political Zionism emerged around the turn of the twentieth century, most Orthodox Jews opposed it  (Century Quotes) Business cycles lengthened greatly during the 20th century, as central banks learned to manage national economies by raising and lowering interest rates  (Century Quotes) Poetry and fiction have grieved for a century now over the loss of some vitality which they think they see in a past from which we are by now irrevocably alienated  (Century Quotes) In 1889, I predict, the legislative stage of the Irish question will have arrived; and the union with England, which shall then have cursed Ireland for nine tenths of a century, will be repealed  (Century Quotes) We may repeat the awful revolutionary history of the 20th century because of the vulnerability of social movements to demagoguery  (Century Quotes) During half a century of literary work, I have endeavoured to introduce the philosophy of evolution into the sphere of literature, and to inspire my readers to think in evolutionary terms  (Century Quotes) Now that copyrights can be just about a century long, the inability to know what is protected and what is not protected becomes a huge and obvious burden on the creative process  (Century Quotes) While the creative works from the 16th century can still be accessed and used by others, the data in some software programs from the 1990s is already inaccessible  (Century Quotes) The nineteenth century lynching mob cuts off ears, toes, and fingers, strips off flesh, and distributes portions of the body as souvenirs among the crowd  (Century Quotes) The twentieth century may tell us that we have nothing to be complacent about in the recent history of humankind; but it also tells us that there is nothing inevitable about tyranny  (Century Quotes) But what has made this problem special for amateurs is that there’s a tiny possibility that there does exist an elegant 17th century proof  (Century Quotes) The mass political movements of the 20th century were vehicles for myths inherited from religion, and it is no accident that religion is reviving now that these movements have collapsed  (Century Quotes) Ridden with conflicts and lacking the industrial base of communism and nazism, islamism is nowhere near a danger of the magnitude of those that were faced down in the 20th century  (Century Quotes) There are people who possess not so much genius as a certain talent for perceiving the desires of the century, or even of the decade, before it has done so itself  (Century Quotes) But with the steady disintegration of the family in modern society over the last century, the role of the school in bridging the gap has become vital  (Century Quotes) By the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs  (Century Quotes) Sometimes I think too much fuss is made about marriage. Century after century of carnal embracement and we’re still no nearer to understanding one another  (Century Quotes) The 20th century was the time when the world turned to use of fossil fuels and the 21st century will be the century of the renewables  (Century Quotes) As we have throughout this century, we will lead with the power of our example, but be prepared, when necessary, to make an example of our power  (Century Quotes) The world has never truly had to develop an ethic of interdependence rooted in our common humanity. And if we do it, the 21st century will be the most interesting, exciting, peaceful era in history  (Century Quotes) Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The challenge of the 21st century is to find out what works and scale it up  (Century Quotes) The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet  (Century Quotes) No one who has lived through the second half of the 20th century could possibly be blind to the enormous impact of exchange programs on the future of countries  (Century Quotes) Science fiction is the characteristic literary genre of the century. It is the genre that stands in opposition to literary modernism  (Century Quotes) But whatever you might say and whatever I might say, a machine which can play chess with people is one of the most marvellous wonders of our 20th century  (Century Quotes)
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