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Consider the Essay as a political pamphlet on the Revolution side, and the fact that it was the Whig gospel for a century, and you will see its working merit  (Century Quotes) In fact, 37 percent of all United States Nobel Prize winners in the 20th century have been representatives of the Jewish community  (Century Quotes) Scholars and historians have dubbed the last 100 years the American Century, and I think there can be little doubt that the Council on Foreign Relations helped to make it so  (Century Quotes) As a result of half a century of Soviet rule people have been weaned from a belief in human kindness  (Century Quotes) Eisenhower is my choice as the American of the 20th Century. Of all the men I’ve studied and written about, he is the brightest and the best  (Century Quotes) The Sophists’ paradoxical talk pieces and their public debates were entertainment in 5th century Greece. And in that world, Socrates was an entertainer  (Century Quotes) You have indeed done much since the new century began to give shape and substance to the growing, the insistent desire that war may be banished from the Earth  (Century Quotes) The Cox Committee found that the Chinese military acquired many of the technologies over the past seven years, although many of them had been targeted for acquisition for more than a quarter century  (Century Quotes) As parties began to develop around the turn of the 19th century, you had party nominees for President nominated in caucuses made up of party members in Congress  (Century Quotes) Then you get to the last half of the 20th century, Americans are getting very skeptical about their leaders and their institutions, and another place that is affected is parties and conventions  (Century Quotes) After World War II society had to settle back for a moment before it picked up the 20th century  (Century Quotes) The family farm is the foundation for who we are as a Commonwealth. And for over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop: tobacco  (Century Quotes) Louis Armstrong is quite simply the most important person in American music. He is to 20th century music (I did not say jazz) what Einstein is to physics  (Century Quotes) I shall confess at the outset that it was only shortly after the beginning of this century that I entered active life - with a somewhat precocious capacity for involvement  (Century Quotes) I think because of their terrible past, particularly this century, the Chinese have come to accept cruelty more than many other people, which is something I feel very unhappy about  (Century Quotes) The intelligent minority of this world will mark 1 January 2001 as the real beginning of the 21st century and the Third Millennium  (Century Quotes) Our actions in the Middle East over the last 15 years have already guaranteed radical Muslims quite enough ammunition to kill Americans for the next century, even if Guantanamo did not exist  (Century Quotes) The writer I feel the most affinity with - you said you felt my books are 19th century novels, I think they’re 18th century novels - is Fielding, Henry Fielding, he’s the guy who does it for me  (Century Quotes) Motion pictures are the art form of the 20th century, and one of the reasons is the fact that films are a slightly corrupted artform. They fit this century - they combine Art and business!  (Century Quotes) Rich people are so eccentric, and I don’t think people really realize. Especially by the turn of the century, they were living like rappers  (Century Quotes) A new institution with new design, structure, body, soul, new thinking, and direction will replace the Planning Commission. It will be one that caters to the aspirations of 21st century India  (Century Quotes) They say that this century is going to be an Asian Century. I am very clear that without embracing the path and ideals shown by Gautam Buddha this century cannot be an Asian century!  (Century Quotes) As late as the seventeenth century, monarchs owned so little furniture that they had to travel from palace to palace with wagon-loads of plate and bedspreads, of carpets and tapestries  (Century Quotes) When I write lyrics, I really do go into an automatic folk appropriation mode. I see the vernacular register of 20th century song as being a bunch of forms to adapt and reconfigure  (Century Quotes) With the end of the Victorian era, we passed into what I feel I must call the terrible 20th century  (Century Quotes) Christianity spread rapidly during the first century because all Christians saw themselves as responsible for disseminating the gospel  (Century Quotes) Beginning in the nineteenth century, with performers like Franz Liszt, were musicians who were able to excite an audience and communicate on a whole new level  (Century Quotes) It’s not as if socialism is a new idea. It was tried in the 20th century. It produced economic stagnation and despair. In its purest form, it extinguished more than one hundred million people  (Century Quotes) My big hobby is photography. I collect stereo photographs from the 19th century  (Century Quotes) The 21st century will not be about the battle between capitalism and socialism but between the forces of progress and the forces of conservatism  (Century Quotes)
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