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Century Quotes

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If ‘Star Wars’ wasn’t enough to prepare me for a dark future, there was the ‘Planet of the Apes’ franchise, conveniently repeated for me in Los Angeles on KABC’s Channel Seven 3:30 movie. Apes enslaving humans! Mutants with boils and an atom bomb! Ape riots in Century City! They killed baby Caesar’s parents!  (Century Quotes) The 20th century was a test bed for big ideas - fascism, communism, the atomic bomb  (Century Quotes) Of course, from one point of view the unhappy events of our own century might be regarded as, say, demonstration ballets on the theme ‘Hydrocarbon Synthesis’ with strong audience participation.  (Century Quotes) On Australia Day 2010, as we enter this second decade of the 21st century, Australians can be optimistic about our future, but we cannot afford to mistake optimism for complacency.  (Century Quotes) We know that a smarter Australia means a stronger Australia. An Australia able to grasp the opportunities of the Asian Century. A skilled workforce and a strong, productive and resilient economy. We know we’ll only win the economic race in the Asian Century if we win the education race.  (Century Quotes) I was born in the middle of the century in the middle of the country, a classic Baby Boomer  (Century Quotes) In reality, Afghanistan has functioned as a nation-state for more than two centuries, and its army and bureaucracy reach back to the 19th century.  (Century Quotes) The two greatest mannequins of the century were Gertrude Stein and Edith Sitwell - unquestionably. You just couldn’t take a bad picture of those two old girls  (Century Quotes) The 21st Century should be India’s century but from 2004 to 2014 bad ideas and bad actions have affected the country adversely. Every day was a new bad day and there were new scandals. People were furious.  (Century Quotes) The Toothbrush mustache was first introduced in Germany by Americans, who turned up with it at the end of the 19th century the way Americans would turn up with ducktails in the 1950s. It was a bit of modern efficiency, an answer to the ornate mustaches of Europe - pop effluvia that fell into the grip of a bad, bad man.  (Century Quotes) If you were an optimistic teen, then you’ll be an optimist at 80. People’s reactions to bad events are highly stable over a half century or more.  (Century Quotes) Chemical weapons simply have no place in the 21st century. Progress in this vital area will help generate momentum to meet our goal of eliminating all weapons of mass destruction.  (Century Quotes) Business cycles lengthened greatly during the 20th century, as central banks learned to manage national economies by raising and lowering interest rates.  (Century Quotes) The initial spark that promoted me to start Not For Sale was human trafficking in the San Francisco Bay Area. This led me to take a journey around the world on how this could exist in the 21st century.  (Century Quotes) As a historical legacy, the Kashmir conflict has been an outstanding issue for more than half a century.  (Century Quotes) It’s about how to bring together the seemingly contradictory aspects of the memorial, which is about a tragedy and how it changed the world, but also about creating a vital and beautiful city of the 21st century.  (Century Quotes) The first decade of the twentieth century was not a great time to be born black and poor and female in St. Louis, Missouri, but Vivian Baxter was born black and poor, to black and poor parents. Later she would grow up and be called beautiful. As a grown woman she would be known as the butter-colored lady with the blowback hair.  (Century Quotes) There are, of course, always painters whom I admire and find fascinating. I’ve often thought, ‘Goodness, if I could paint like the Danish Golden Age painters, the early 19th century painters, the way they could paint a landscape - absolutely beautiful.’  (Century Quotes) I think 20th century media were about tricking people - and the beauty of the Internet is you can’t lie anymore.  (Century Quotes) An economically confident America has - since becoming a world power at the start of the 20th century - tended toward global engagement. It is during times of economic stress (1930s, 1970s) that America has become more withdrawn.  (Century Quotes) One of the advantages of the book’s having been out there for more than a quarter century is that there’s been time for people to report back on what it’s done for them.  (Century Quotes) Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.  (Century Quotes) At the beginning of the twentieth century, every single leading Muslim intellectual was in love with the west, and wanted their countries to look just like Britain and France.  (Century Quotes) There is no more discovery. Not since the beginning of this century. There are new gadgets. New important gadgets.  (Century Quotes) As the end of the century approaches, all our culture is like flies at the beginning of winter. Having lost their agility, dreamy and demented, they turn slowly about the window in the first icy mists of morning, . . . [then] they fall down the curtains.  (Century Quotes) The intelligent minority of this world will mark 1 January 2001 as the real beginning of the 21st century and the Third Millennium.  (Century Quotes) Climatologists are all agreed that we’d be lucky to see the end of this century without the world being a totally different place, and being 8 or 9 degrees hotter on average.  (Century Quotes) Look, science is hard, it has a reputation of being hard, and the facts are, it is hard, and that’s the result of 400 years of science, right? I mean, in the 18th century, in the 18th century you could become an expert on any field of science in an afternoon by going to a library, if you could find the library, right?  (Century Quotes) In order to thrive in the 21st century, you have to be a savvy citizen of the digital economy or risk being left behind.  (Century Quotes) While being in the right seat at the right game might create short-term reassurance, I can’t get over the idea that really what people feel is that their club is being run by a group of guys who know the history, study the heritage and view Villa as a proud Victorian club in its third century.  (Century Quotes)
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