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Alan Turing is so important to me and to the world, and his story is so important to be told, so it was a big thing to take up, and I was a little petrified. Like, who am I to write the Alan Turing story? He’s one of the great geniuses of the 20th century - who was horribly persecuted for being gay - and I’m a kid from Chicago.  (Century Quotes) Together, we can create a world in which peace is real; in which every human being can thrive; in which all share the promise of our century. I believe we can succeed.  (Century Quotes) Being a Labour home secretary in the 21st century means fighting a constant battle against both extreme Right and Left.  (Century Quotes) As a result of half a century of Soviet rule people have been weaned from a belief in human kindness.  (Century Quotes) In the seventeenth century, the science of medicine had not wholly cut asunder from astrology and necromancy; and the trusting Christian still believed in some occult influences, chiefly planetary, which governed not only his crops but his health and life.  (Century Quotes) I am a 21st century man. I don’t believe in magic. I believe in sweat, tears, life and death.  (Century Quotes) I sincerely believe what happens in India has, I think, lessons, morals for the future evolution of humankind in the 21st century.  (Century Quotes) I believe a large part of humanity will draw appropriate lessons from what is the wave of the future in the 21st century.  (Century Quotes) One thing that always frustrated me was that, while Benjamin Franklin’s was the best-known face of the eighteenth century, no one ever took his sister’s likeness.  (Century Quotes) The fundamentalists are insistent that they know best. It’s a dictatorial attitude towards personal morality, which is a modern creation that came about in the 19th century.  (Century Quotes) The only way we can give our children the best education in the world and prepare them for the next century is by funding the programs that serve them.  (Century Quotes) In the 20th century, the French managed to get a death on the myth that they produce the world’s best food. The hype has been carefully orchestrated, and despite the fact that the most popular food in the last quarter has undoubtedly been Italian, the French have managed to maintain that mental grip.  (Century Quotes) Even under the best of circumstances - in twenty-first century America at least - caring for elderly parents ain’t no place for sissies.  (Century Quotes) Perhaps it has been too uncomfortable for those with vested interests to acknowledge, but we have spent the best part of the past century enthusiastically testing the world to utter destruction; not looking closely enough at the long-term impact our actions will have.  (Century Quotes) It’s the 21st century. It’s healthier for us, better for the environment and certainly kinder to be a vegetarian.  (Century Quotes) It’s obvious that the key problem facing humanity in the coming century is how to bring a better quality of life - for 8 billion or more people - without wrecking the environment entirely in the attempt.  (Century Quotes) Do not hide behind utopian logic which says that until we have the perfect security environment, nuclear disarmament cannot proceed. This is old-think. This is the mentality of the Cold War era. We must face the realities of the 21st century. The Conference on Disarmament can be a driving force for building a safer world and a better future.  (Century Quotes) For much of the twentieth century, 1984 was a year that belonged to the future - a strange, gray future at that. Then it slid painlessly into the past, like any other year. Big Brother arrived and settled in, though not at all in the way George Orwell had imagined.  (Century Quotes) To some extent, we’ve always had an admiration for extroversion in our culture. But the extrovert ideal really came to play at the turn of the 20th century when we had the rise of big business.  (Century Quotes) I think the biggest problem of the 21st century is how to deal with minorities  (Century Quotes) I feel like I’ve been very fortunate in that I’ve stuck like a burr to the dog-leg of the next generation of nerdism. I’ve been carried into the XXIth century on Bill Gates’ pants-cuff.  (Century Quotes) When Bill Gates started Corbis we were told that he needed images to fill those digital picture frames in his home, and many found this plausible. But now it’s pretty clear that he’s set out to control the visual history of the twentieth century.  (Century Quotes) St. Louis has always been a great center for medicine. It has been a leader in the nation since the early part of the 20th century. Along with that, we’ve been a leader in medical science and biomedical science and innovation in medicine.  (Century Quotes) My 50th birthday approaching felt like a big milestone to me. I’ve lived half a century. If I write about food and use my life as a fulcrum to move the story along, maybe I’ve lived long enough to fashion a narrative that has a happy ending.  (Century Quotes) What I’m certain I don’t want is to find myself someday in a new century, an old bitter woman looking back, wishing that right now I’d had more nerve.  (Century Quotes) I think that Malcolm X was the most remarkable historical figure produced by Black America in the 20th century.  (Century Quotes) At 50, I thought proudly: Here we are, half century! Being 60 was fairly frightening. You want to know how I spent my 70th birthday? I put on a completely black face, a fuzzy black Afro wig, wore black clothes and hung a black wreath on my door.  (Century Quotes) I’m the king of the 20th century. I’m the boogeyman, the villian, the black sheep of the family.  (Century Quotes) The rich survive and everyone else gets ready to work 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 jobs and what do you get? Blade Runner. Welcome to your science fiction. Your 21st century. I think that’s where it goes. The rich get richer and everyone else... the middle class kind of starts dropping lower and lower.  (Century Quotes) Of course the 19th century remained in blissful ignorance of post-modern irony, and the dime novels were made without end.  (Century Quotes)
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