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Malcolm X represents the cutting edge of a kind of critique of globalization in the 21st century. In fact, Malcolm, if anything, was far ahead of the curve in so many ways.  (Century Quotes) My dad had an aunt at the turn of the century who died from diabetes, but she was the closest affected relative in my family.  (Century Quotes) Mankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.  (Century Quotes) Librarians are wonderful people, partly because they are, on the whole, unaware of how dangerous knowledge is. Karl Marx upended the political landscape of the twentieth century sitting at a library table. Still, modern librarians are more afraid of ingnorance than they are of the potential devastation that knowledge can bring. (p. 192)  (Century Quotes) I think life is always dangerous. Some people get afraid of it. Some people don’t go forward. But some people, if they want to achieve their goal, they have to go. They have to move... We have seen the barbaric situation of the 21st century in Swat. So why should I be afraid now?  (Century Quotes) I live in the Dark Ages, the 17th century. Actually, I would have loved to be in Paris in the early 20th century when the Ballets Russes were there and Chanel was designing.  (Century Quotes) A deadly sins addendum is long overdue. Life has changed since Pope Gregory the Great scribbled his initial list in the sixth century.  (Century Quotes) There were no vampires of note in Western literature until about the 18th century. But they tell us where we park our anxieties, whether its over-powerful women, death or damnation. We make our own monsters.  (Century Quotes) Holiday binge-buying has deep roots in American culture: department stores have been associating turkey gluttony with its spending equivalent since they began sponsoring Thanksgiving Day parades in the early 20th century.  (Century Quotes) The things you’re passionate about and interested in, get experience with them by going deep on projects. I would encourage science projects, plays. Pursue science, math, writing, history - the 21st century demands a lot of cross-disciplinary thinking.  (Century Quotes) The bigger question is how does a rogue species called humans - whose population just blew through the seven billion mark on it’s way to nine billion members - manage to survive the next century on a planet with finite resources, without destroying its delicate balance in the process.  (Century Quotes) The Islam of the 18th, 19th and first half of the 20th century was a poor thing. Nobody bothered about it. Islam was that funny sort of pure system of beliefs that depressed people in the Middle East held as their religion.  (Century Quotes) Right up until the late 18th century, when the first weighted lines were used to probe the ocean depths, many people believed the seas were bottomless - the watery equivalent of infinite outer space.  (Century Quotes) The Indian education system, like the Indian bureaucratic system, is Victorian and still in the 19th century. Our schools are still designed to produce clerks for an empire that does not exist anymore.  (Century Quotes) You have indeed done much since the new century began to give shape and substance to the growing, the insistent desire that war may be banished from the earth.  (Century Quotes) If you look back at the history of the twentieth century, Germany alone had practically destroyed Russia several times.  (Century Quotes) Trade allegedly does not foster growth because when it begins, a flood of imports of factory origin destroys the handicraft manufacturing of the less developed country: the models for this are the effects of British exports of textiles and of iron in India and Chile in the first half of the nineteenth century.  (Century Quotes) To set us on the right course we need to create more opportunities for trade, particularly in developing countries, and we need to adjust global trade rules to better meet the needs of entrepreneurs in the 21st century,  (Century Quotes) The international institutions go around the world preaching liberalization, and the developing countries see that means open up your markets to our commodities, but we aren’t going to open our markets to your commodities. In the nineteenth century, they used gunboats. Now they use economic weapons and arm-twisting.  (Century Quotes) Labor looks different in the 21st century. And so should our job training programs.  (Century Quotes) There’s the tradition of the 19th-century ballets, and the 20th century has had a difficult time with that tradition. And it’s had a difficult time with many components of the Romantic imagination because of modernism.  (Century Quotes) Our computers double in capability on time scales of only a few years. It’s hardly outrageous to believe that we will successfully develop thinking machines within a handful of decades, or at most a century or two. If that happens, these artificial sentients will quickly leave us behind.  (Century Quotes) The birthplace of ‘Western’ civilization is generally agreed to be Greece, and its birth date is generally agreed to be some time during the 6th century B.C.E. Obviously, there is not one single dramatic moment that definitively started the whole thing.  (Century Quotes) In our time, we have sifted the sands of Mars, we have established a presence there, we have fulfilled a century of dreams!  (Century Quotes) Life in the twentieth century undeniably has ... such richness, joy and adventure as were unknown to our ancestors except in their dreams.  (Century Quotes) The clash between capital and labour, between those seeking to maximise profit and those with only their toil to sell, was the driving force for the creation of the trade unions in the 19th century.  (Century Quotes) I started collecting in the late 1990s. My first purchase was from an auction, a scroll by Dong Qichang, from the early 16th century, the late Ming Dynasty.  (Century Quotes) Mounting tensions in Eastern Europe send shivers down the spine. Barely a quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War we seem to be sliding inexorably towards another.  (Century Quotes) The development of physics in the twentieth century already has transformed the consciousness of those involved with it. The study (of modern physics) produces insights into the nature of reality very similar to those produced by the study of eastern philosophy.  (Century Quotes) Everyone now knows how to find the meaning of life within himself. But mankind wasn’t always so lucky. Less than a century ago, men and women did not have easy access to the puzzle boxes within them.  (Century Quotes)
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