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I immediately noticed there were far more male characters than female characters in the programs, even now, in the 21st century.  (Century Quotes) The prime motivation in making almost any film is success, because film is the art form of the 20th century.  (Century Quotes) The great challenge of the twentieth century ... is to create a new financial architecture in which private decisions produce a less degenerate capitalism.  (Century Quotes) We have to rethink how to teach financial education in the 21st century  (Century Quotes) What we have seen in financial markets should bring home to us all that the central organising principle of this 21st century is interdependence. For the century just past, interdependence may have been one option among many. For the century that is to come, there is no longer an alternative.  (Century Quotes) We are inheriting the worst financial system since the Depression. We’re inheriting a situation - when people go back and study major banking crises a quarter century from now, the one that America developed in 2007 and 2008 is going to be one of those crises.  (Century Quotes) When I’m dealing with the 18th century, as I do in ‘The Firebird,’ the difficulty isn’t only finding what a woman did, it’s finding her at all. Most of the sources I’m dealing with - letters and memoirs and written reports of the day - have been written by men.  (Century Quotes) Looking at paintings was a huge part of finding my way into the lush world of the 18th century  (Century Quotes) The nineteenth century lynching mob cuts off ears, toes, and fingers, strips off flesh, and distributes portions of the body as souvenirs among the crowd.  (Century Quotes) When a finished work of 20th century sculpture is placed in an 18th century garden, it is absorbed by the ideal representation of the past, thus reinforcing political and social values that are no longer with us.  (Century Quotes) The wisdom of our actions in the first three years of peace will determine the course of world history for half a century.  (Century Quotes) This is the woman’s century, the first chance for the mother of the world to rise to her full place . . . and the world waits while she powders her nose.  (Century Quotes) With a book tucked in one hand, and a computer shoved under my elbow, I will march, not sidle, shudder or quake, into the twenty-first century.  (Century Quotes) Our twenty-first century economy may focus on agriculture, not information  (Century Quotes) German writers in the late 18th century were the first to uphold a prickly, literary nationalism, in reaction to the then dominance and prestige of French literature.  (Century Quotes) The Romans believed that what no man controls, no man can own. Justinian, writing in the sixth century AD, said that the air, flowing water, the sea and the seashore were common to all.  (Century Quotes) I often think of it this way: The 21st century is going to be a war on the attention of humanity. Where civilization focuses its attention, I mean, that’s what defines what the civilization cares about.  (Century Quotes) In this choice, as I look back over more than half a century, I can only follow - and trust - the same sort of instinct that one follows in the art of fiction.  (Century Quotes) I don’t think I would have been great in the 17th century. I would have enjoyed the frocks, and certainly some of the food would have been appealing, but the disease and hygiene would have worried me.  (Century Quotes) There has been talk of lack of consensus, but we all know that this is the veto of foreign powers, the intolerable situation in our 21st century America.  (Century Quotes) The reality is that we are going to have problems with water in this century. And the fact that we are going to have problems with fossil fuel is a given.  (Century Quotes) The 20th century was the time when the world turned to use of fossil fuels and the 21st century will be the century of the renewables.  (Century Quotes) Killing for pleasure is wrong and should be banned. Fox hunting, stag hunting and hare coursing are moral issues. It is time that we stood up for morality. The commandment Thou shall not kill may be hedged with exceptions.Thou shall not kill for pleasure is not; it is a commandment for the 21st century and it is time that we respected it unambiguously, without prevarication and without procrastination.  (Century Quotes) 24’ and 20th Century Fox and Sky TV are not responsible for training the U.S. military. It is not our job to do. To me, this is almost as absurd as saying, ‘The Sopranos’ supports the mafia, and by virtue of that, HBO supports the mafia.’  (Century Quotes) [Franklin Delano] Roosevelt was the central world figure in the two great disasters of this century - the Great Depression and World War II. By contrast, JFK came in relatively peaceful, agreeable times.  (Century Quotes) The Internet in the 21st Century is as important to our future as highways were in the 20th Century. Like a highway, the Internet must remain free and open for all - not determined by the highest bidders.  (Century Quotes) If anything qualifies as an irony of history it would be this: that Marx and Engels throughout the nineteenth century wrote about America the United States as the great country of the future, of freedom and equality and a good life for the working man, and a country of revolution and emancipation, and of Russia as the great country of despotism, backwardness, savagery and superstition.  (Century Quotes) For a man of my generation, our century has been a long intellectual and political struggle in favor of freedom.  (Century Quotes) I don’t look so closely at women’s fashion, but from the 20th century on, people have had the freedom to express themselves and their individualities, and fashion is one of the most fundamental ways in which they do this, men and women are equally able to express themselves.  (Century Quotes) Let’s be honest - Bill Murray was onto something when he laughed at Andie MacDowell’s degree in 19th century French poetry in ‘Groundhog Day’  (Century Quotes)
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