Ceos Quotes
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Text Quotes
Great CEOs are not just born with shiny hair and a tie (Ceos Quotes)
CEOs make hard decisions; sometimes, the least worst is the right one (Ceos Quotes)
The number of CEOs voluntarily leaving their jobs or being forced out spiked early. Many of those companies will be turning to an interim CEO to take the reins. These temporary leaders are increasingly in demand, according to those who watch corner office trends. (Ceos Quotes)
The willingness to hear hard truth is vital not only for CEOs of big corporations but also for anyone who loves the truth. Sometimes the truth sounds like bad news, but it is just what we need. (Ceos Quotes)
No doubt, corporate CEOs who lie to their shareholders and politicians who lie to their public know and believe intellectually that lying is immoral. Why then do they lie? They lie to others because they first lie to themselves. (Ceos Quotes)
There’s such a preoccupation with liquidity and such an unwillingness to invest beyond the horizon of the next quarter and making sure that the CEOs hit their quarterly earnings. (Ceos Quotes)
The shining star in the world is Shanghai. That’s what CEOs from big companies say - ‘if I want mathematical analytical work done, it’s done in China.’ (Ceos Quotes)
Europeans forget that one-third of the American people have had a personal conversation with Jesus Christ and that the born-again are not just little old ladies in black but also CEOs and provosts of universities and candidates for office. (Ceos Quotes)
Daniel Goleman has proven that two-thirds of the success in business is based upon our Emotional Intelligence as opposed to our IQ or our level of experience. As we look for the next crop of future CEOs, maybe it’s time for America’s corporations to start interviewing grads from the psychology master’s programs rather than the M.B.A. programs. (Ceos Quotes)
CEOs are hired for their intellect and business expertise - and fired for a lack of emotional intelligence. (Ceos Quotes)
I picked up business skills along the way, but there are things you learn at school like speaking the language of business so you can speak with CEOs. (Ceos Quotes)
Critics might contend that putting former private-sector CEOs in the president’s Cabinet places the fox in the henhouse. But it’s unlikely such executives would expose themselves to the headaches if they weren’t genuinely motivated by the call to service. (Ceos Quotes)
CEOs can talk and blab each day about culture, but the employees all know who the jerks are. They could name the jerks for you. It’s just cultural. People just don’t want to do it. (Ceos Quotes)
Whenever teenage girls and corporate CEOs covet the same new technology, something extraordinary is happening. (Ceos Quotes)
I started doing motivational tours. I’ve seen all kinds of people, from the CEOs to the lowest executive, opening up to their fears. We don’t introspect as much as we should. (Ceos Quotes)
Power relations between men and women must change profoundly, men must be partners in the pursuit of gender equality, in their decision-making roles, as heads of state, CEOs, religious and cultural leaders, and as partners and parents. (Ceos Quotes)
CEOs are worried they’re going to get fired any minute. They’re worried about their portfolios. (Ceos Quotes)
I met with several public company CEOs to learn about their experiences of going public and listened to as many earnings calls as I possibly could. (Ceos Quotes)
I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication, and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to (Ceos Quotes)
Generally, older people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies are running most countries and are CEOs of corporations. Which isn’t to say there aren’t entrepreneurs, but if the young were better in every respect, there’d be no reason for the old. Our life span reflects our particular life strategy (Ceos Quotes)
Twenty years ago, you might have been pessimistic and said there's no hope. But these days, some of our very biggest companies are acting remarkably cleanly. And in some cases, although not all cases, the CEOs are the driving forces behind that (Ceos Quotes)
The best CEOs I know are teachers, and at the core of what they teach is strategy (Ceos Quotes)
The helicopter is a fine way to travel, but it induces a view of the world that only God and CEOs share on a regular basis (Ceos Quotes)
Women like myself, CEOs, can pave the way for more women to get to the top (Ceos Quotes)
You know, technology CEOs like to think of themselves as rock ‘n roll stars (Ceos Quotes)
In life, you don’t have a level of confrontation and the nonsense you run into when you’re a CEO. CEOs aren’t born (Ceos Quotes)
The thing that’s confusing for investors is that founders don’t know how to be CEO. I didn’t know how to do the job when I was a CEO. Founder CEOs don’t know how to be CEOs, but it doesn’t mean they can’t learn. The question is... can the founder learn that job and can they tolerate all mistakes they will make doing it? (Ceos Quotes)
In life, everybody faces choices between doing what’s popular, easy, and wrong vs. doing what’s lonely, difficult, and right. These decisions intensify when you run a company, because the consequences get magnified 1,000 fold. As in life, the excuses for CEOs making the wrong choice are always plentiful (Ceos Quotes)
Am I as experienced, or mature, or smart as others CEOs? No probably not, but there’s something, I think, very useful about having a founder as the CEO. (Ceos Quotes)
We all love people who give credit to others for their success. Companies would probably do better with CEOs who didn’t blow their own horn and ask for ridiculous salaries and new yachts every year (Ceos Quotes)
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