Certain Death Quotes
Text Quotes
There is a certain right by which we many deprive a man of life, but none by which we may deprive him of death; this is mere cruelty (Certain Death Quotes)
We never stop reading, although every book comes to an end, just as we never stop living, although death is certain (Certain Death Quotes)
A man falling off a cliff to certain death will stretch out a hand even to his worst enemy (Certain Death Quotes)
True courage, in the face of almost certain death, is the rarest quality on earth (Certain Death Quotes)
What’s a friend for if not to face almost certain death with, eh? (Certain Death Quotes)
Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data. Guess which has occurred (Certain Death Quotes)
Life is short, and therefore, one thing being certain, death, let us take up a great ideal, and give up the whole life to it. For what is the value of life, this vegetating little low life of man? Subordinating it to one high ideal is the only value that life has (Certain Death Quotes)
Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain (Certain Death Quotes)
Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain (Certain Death Quotes)
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes (Certain Death Quotes)
There are certain people that are marked for death. I have my little list of those that treated me unfairly (Certain Death Quotes)
The richness of the world, all artificial pleasures, have the taste of sickness and give off a smell of death in the face of certain spiritual possessions (Certain Death Quotes)
All stories interest me, and some haunt me until I end up writing them. Certain themes keep coming up: justice, loyalty, violence, death, political and social issues, freedom (Certain Death Quotes)
The only certain things in life are death and taxes! (Certain Death Quotes)
Sometimes death is proof of life. Sometimes decay points out a certain verve (Certain Death Quotes)
Since death is certain and the time of death is uncertain, what is the most important thing? (Certain Death Quotes)
Nothing, they say is more certain than death, and nothing more uncertain than the time of dying (Certain Death Quotes)
There is a fear of voluptuousness that is itself voluptuous, just as a certain fear of death can itself be deadly (Certain Death Quotes)
In every situation do the thing you fear. If you do the thing you fear, the death of fear is certain (Certain Death Quotes)
We must conquer life by living it to the full, and then we can go to meet death with a certain prestige (Certain Death Quotes)
If you fight with all your might, there is a chance of life; where as death is certain if you cling to your corner (Certain Death Quotes)
Death, of course, should not be feared, but awaited with certain wonder. To die was to step across a threshold into a new world, unknown, unimaginable (Certain Death Quotes)
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State... These two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death (Certain Death Quotes)
There's nothing like a major emergency and the almost certain death of the whole damned world to concentrate the mind wonderfully (Certain Death Quotes)
How ironic, she thought, as she fell to her certain death, that at that moment she would have given anything to be a giant goose again (Certain Death Quotes)
It boils down to this: we should have done with humbug, and let war be war, and not a game... If there were none of this magnanimity business in warfare, we should never go to war, except for something worth facing certain death for (Certain Death Quotes)
Although the constant shadow of certain death looms over everyday, the pleasures and joys of life can be so fine and affecting that the heart is nearly stilled in astonishment (Certain Death Quotes)
To be brave without compassion, generous without moderation, and rule without refraining from being first in the world, are certain deaths (Certain Death Quotes)
He has built a pedestal for her so tall that she is afraid to be lifted atop it, because to fall would mean certain death. But oh, she would rise far, far beyond fear and be held by arms so strong, and love so pure, that falling would not be an option (Certain Death Quotes)
You can never be happily married to another until you get a divorce from yourself. Successful marriage demands a certain death to self (Certain Death Quotes)