Certainty Quotes

Text Quotes
No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force (Certainty Quotes)
Certainty is rarely if ever possible and we increase the likelihood of getting things wrong if we succumb to the hunger for it (Certainty Quotes)
Science is not the affirmation of a set of beliefs but a process of inquiry aimed at building a testable body of knowledge constantly open to rejection or confirmation. In science, knowledge is fluid and certainty fleeting. That is at the heart of its limitations. It is also its greatest strength (Certainty Quotes)
The fictive is an emormous territory it turns out, its boundaries vague, and there is little certainty about where it begins and ends (Certainty Quotes)
I think it’s fairly common for writers to be afflicted with two simultaneous yet contradictory delusions, the burning certainty that we’re unique geniuses, and the constant fear that we’re witless frauds who are speeding toward epic failure (Certainty Quotes)
Arithmetic is where the content lies, and not logic; but logic prompts certainty, and not arithmetic (Certainty Quotes)
Speculation and the exploration of ideas beyond what we know with certainty are what lead to progress (Certainty Quotes)
There’s no certainty to the next couple of years, but people are paying attention now. And I want to put out a record when people are paying attention, because that’s when it has the best chance of being heard (Certainty Quotes)
Can you imagine 4,000 years passing, and you’re not even a memory? Think about it, friends. It’s not just a possibility. It is a certainty (Certainty Quotes)
Faith is a process of leaping into the abyss not on the basis of any certainty about where we shall land, but rather on the belief that we shall land (Certainty Quotes)
The capacity to tolerate complexity and welcome contradiction, not the need for simplicity and certainty, is the attribute of an explorer. Centuries ago, when some people suspended their search for absolute truth and began instead to ask how things worked, modern science was born. Curiously, it was by abandoning the search for absolute truth that science began to make progress, opening the material universe to human exploration (Certainty Quotes)
Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens (Certainty Quotes)
I don’t believe anything. I only know some things to a greater degree of certainty than others (Certainty Quotes)
In philosophical terms, the opposite of rationalism is not irrationalism but empiricism, that is, a willingness to form beliefs on the basis of experience rather than from a priori deduction. Empirical evidence never yields the dogmatic certainty that accompanies logical deduction (Certainty Quotes)
Can success change the human mechanism so completely between one dawn and another? Can it make one feel taller, more alive, handsomer, uncommonly gifted and indomitably secure with the certainty that this is the way life will always be? It can and it does! (Certainty Quotes)
It is a good thing to proceed in order and to establish propositions. This is the way to gain ground and to progress with certainty (Certainty Quotes)
Educators must resist the quest for certainty. If there were certainty there would be no scientific advancement. So it is with morals and patriotism (Certainty Quotes)
Art is lunging forward without certainty about where you are going or how to get there, being open to and dependent on what luck, the paint, the typo, the dissonance, give you. Without art, you’re stuck with yourself as you are and life as you think life is (Certainty Quotes)
The only thing that anyone can diagnose, with any certainty, by looking at a fat person, is their own level of stereotype and prejudice toward fat people (Certainty Quotes)
There is a big difference between wanting to say you wrote a book, and actually writing one. Many people think they want to write, even though they find crafting sentences and paragraphs unpleasant. They hope there is a way to write without writing. I can tell you with certainty there isn’t one (Certainty Quotes)
This is the first step toward understanding the process of real, lasting change: simply knowing with certainty that you can do whatever you need to do. This understanding has a dual edge: On the one hand it increases your confidence and dignity. On the other hand, it places full responsibility on you if you fail to make the change you set out to make. But this is a good thing, not a guilt trip (Certainty Quotes)
Grace cannot prevail... until our lifelong certainty that someone is keeping score has run out of steam and collapsed (Certainty Quotes)
In our instinctive attachments, our fear of change, and our wish for certainty and permanence, we may undercut the impermanence which is our greatest strength, our most fundamental identity. Without impermanence, there is no process. The nature of life is change. All hope is based on process (Certainty Quotes)
It is the certainty that you are about to recover, that brings results, not the hope (Certainty Quotes)
To tell you the truth, the older I get, the less I know. I keep meeting people, both older and younger, who seem to have accrued so much more knowledge or expertise or certainty about who they are and the jobs they do. I just marvel at it (Certainty Quotes)
We are born into a vast room whose walls consist of a thousand doors of possibility. Each door is flung open to the world outside, and the room is filled with light and noise. We close some of the doors deliberately, sometimes with fear, sometimes with calm certainty. Others seem to close by themselves, some so quietly that we do not even notice (Certainty Quotes)
The last word always belongs to the audience... that blessed connection... that is a most powerful feeling. One that is worth savouring on dark nights when the wind blows. On the other hand there is no way of ever knowing when one steps out into that circle, if the connection will be made. The promise is there, the hope is there, but no certainty whatsoever. Which is, I suppose, the attraction. That connection, when it happens, is magic. When it doesn’t... Turn out the lights (Certainty Quotes)
Our search for certainty rests in our attempts at understanding the history of all individual selves and all civilizations. Beyond that, there is only awe (Certainty Quotes)
Learning emerges from discovery, not directives; reflection, not rules; possibilities, not prescriptions; diversity, not dogma; creativity and curiosity, not conformity and certainty; and meaning, not mandates (Certainty Quotes)
To go on and on about your soul is to miss the whole point of life. I could say that with more certainty if I knew the whole point of life (Certainty Quotes)