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Challenge Quotes

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I’m long and I’m strong! To challenge me would be so wrong!  (Challenge Quotes) Raising parent awareness on how to support their students to be safe, responsible and discerning users of technology continues to be a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) We love comfort, and people make a lot of money selling us comfort, but I would challenge the notion that comfort is usually good for us  (Challenge Quotes) Fishing is a quest for knowledge and wonder as much as a pursuit of fish; it is as much an acquaintance with beavers, dippers, and other fishermen as it is the challenge of catching trout  (Challenge Quotes) Let me start with issuing you a challenge: Be better than you are. Set a goal that seems unattainable, and when you reach that goal, set another one even higher  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge of power is how to use it and not abuse it. When you abuse it, it reverses on you and it hurts you  (Challenge Quotes) A person who has power doesn’t seek to challenge others, their battles are within  (Challenge Quotes) I think that if you grow up trying to be the best then you have to be competitive because the more you compete, the more someone is there that is a challenge and the more your performance improves  (Challenge Quotes) It’s always an interesting challenge to see if you can create a character that’s got emotion  (Challenge Quotes) You should always challenge yourself, as an actor, to find the connection between you and the character  (Challenge Quotes) I think all actors are on the constant search for a real challenge just to keep things interesting  (Challenge Quotes) The biggest challenge is not the storytelling, it’s to track every character’s arc through the entire movie  (Challenge Quotes) I’ve always been interesting in characters that challenge people and who are not always that easy to like  (Challenge Quotes) I’m loving motherhood. It’s way harder than soccer, but I love a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge to be the best is what drives me and to just improve my body every day  (Challenge Quotes) Writers tend to hate recurring characters; there’s this writer snob thing about it. But I don’t have that. I feel like the challenge is always to find a cool and innovative way to do it and, obviously, to not repeat your jokes  (Challenge Quotes) At times, the biggest challenge in embracing simplicity will be the vague feeling of isolation that comes with it, since private sacrifice doesn’t garner much attention in the frenetic world of mass culture  (Challenge Quotes) One of the great things about being an actor is that you have a completely different challenge every few months  (Challenge Quotes) The whole goal for me with my career is just follow good projects and good parts and challenge myself as much as I can  (Challenge Quotes) This is bravery: using the challenge of daily life to sharpen our mind and open our heart  (Challenge Quotes) Every actor hopes that the character that they’re playing continues to be a challenge throughout their tenure of their show  (Challenge Quotes) Indies are always an extra challenge. The time is shorter because you have less money to spend and fewer days to shoot  (Challenge Quotes) Change is the essence of life; change is the great challenge, the great constant. Change is the ultimate teller of tales  (Challenge Quotes) I do note that photography, a despised medium to work in, is full of empty phonies and worthless commercial people. That presents quite a challenge to the man who can take delight in being in a very difficult, disdained medium  (Challenge Quotes) Those who are troubled by our existing programs are not interested in a repeat of 9/11, and those who defend these programs are not dismissive of civil liberties. The challenge is getting the details right, and that’s not simple  (Challenge Quotes) I just think that the qualities of leadership are unknown even to the leader until he’s tested and given a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) When people come together around music, there’s something ancient going on. It has to come from a genuine place and that’s part of the challenge. You have to cultivate that authenticity everyday  (Challenge Quotes) There’s no greater challenge and there is no greater honor than to be in public service  (Challenge Quotes) No matter how much money we have or make, we will probably never consider ourselves rich. The biggest challenge facing rich people is that they’ve lost they’re ability to recognize that they’re rich  (Challenge Quotes) The central paradox and challenge of marriage is that we have to make family out of someone we’re not related to  (Challenge Quotes)
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