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To do the Ozzfest again would be great. I’d like to finish with a final Sabbath album. You always feel that it is still a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) O’Neill presents a very complex multi - layered kind of challenge. His characters are always deeply complex and, to a great extent, inaccessible  (Challenge Quotes) I will continue to work in Washington to oppose any efforts to expand drilling off our Coasts and to challenge my colleagues to adopt responsible energy policies  (Challenge Quotes) Getting to where Delaware State is today was a challenge my friends - a challenge proudly met by the people of this community and the Delaware State family  (Challenge Quotes) That’s what really seems to be the more difficult aspect - to have the men break through and challenge the best players in the world  (Challenge Quotes) The way those clubs shift against Ted Williams, I can’t understand how he can be so stupid not to accept the challenge to him and hit to left field  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge when you think about product distribution is: how are you competing for potential customers or potential members time  (Challenge Quotes) Bringing up issues that are hard to deal with is a challenge for me, and I think that’s what draws me to song writing  (Challenge Quotes) Staying together is a challenge. We all have to accept qualities in other people that aren’t always exactly what we want or need  (Challenge Quotes) It’s easy to get on the path of mastery. The real challenge lies in staying on it  (Challenge Quotes) I’m a creature of routine, and I hate feeling incompetent, so I avoided novelty and challenge. Making an effort to push myself in that way has brought me surprising boost  (Challenge Quotes) Yeah, acting is very difficult. As much as I love it, and the challenge of it, I’m so often just terrified by it  (Challenge Quotes) When you’re acting you put so much of yourself into working. As much fun as it is, it’s still hard work and it’s still a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge for me is still to do something that hasn’t been beaten into the movie going consciousness. Otherwise what am I in it for?  (Challenge Quotes) Sometimes you have to do the things that scare you and that are outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself  (Challenge Quotes) I trust the [series] writers when I’m filming, because it’s interesting for me to go in every week and see what’s going to happen, and the challenge for me as the actor is to make it work  (Challenge Quotes) I’m not an adrenaline junkie. It’s never been about thrills for me. I’m just someone who loves a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) I consider the modernization of the Middle East the central challenge of our time. This region behaves as if it were disturbed, if you’ll excuse the clinical expression  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge is always as a writer, is this going to work, because it’s a very intimate process, and I tend to be very introverted and insular, and when I write, it’s in my head  (Challenge Quotes) Life is a challenge that you need. There’s things in life that are going to throw you into the ground, but if you learn how to get up, that means you are not a quitter  (Challenge Quotes) I think it’s very interesting for a director that enjoys thrillers and mysteries like I do to have the challenge to do that  (Challenge Quotes) Jenson Button is the real deal. It just takes the right environment, the right time - don’t doubt he has all the talents to win Grands Prix and challenge for championships  (Challenge Quotes) The thing that’s interesting as you get older as an artist is that the biggest challenge seems to be: how do you stay relevant  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge I think at first consideration is always a mixture of the creative opportunity and the finances. From the studio perspective, that’s what they’re looking to balance  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge is creating a character that’s rich and interesting to warrant following for a number of years  (Challenge Quotes) I accept the historical challenge, and with that, I accept the essentially Christian position that God always has more light to break out of his holy Word  (Challenge Quotes) The moment when I can see a student’s block, name the challenge and watch them become fuller and more dynamic in front of their colleagues’ eyes is as rich a moment in a boardroom as it is in a ring  (Challenge Quotes) After you get a season under your belt, you learn a lot of lessons. It’s a much bigger challenge, logistically, in terms of production  (Challenge Quotes) Initially, before I came to Hollywood, I thought that the language barrier would be the biggest challenge, but I realized that actors all around the world, regardless of language, are all the same  (Challenge Quotes) I love any challenge that comes my way, and I’ve been lucky to have many  (Challenge Quotes)
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