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Challenge Quotes

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When I talk to people and I get animated, I touch them and am very physically involved. It’s actually been really hard, but it’s an acting challenge  (Challenge Quotes) It is an interesting balance in trying to find players to make your team really good and at the same time running a financially sound operation. That is the challenge for every team  (Challenge Quotes) I can’t imagine ever doing anything else with my life. It’s definitely a challenge but when you accomplish something it feels great!  (Challenge Quotes) Academics were not a challenge when I was fifteen in college. The challenge was figuring out how to fit in socially  (Challenge Quotes) The challenge there is that ISIL doesn’t have an air force. So the damage done there is not against ISIL. It’s against the Syrian regime  (Challenge Quotes) We live in a world of crisis, of challenge, and ... it’s in our galleries that we can unpack the civilizations that we’re seeing the current manifestations of  (Challenge Quotes) Sometimes it’s good to get mad, sometimes it clarifies where we stand. I think that art has the ability to challenge and push, and that’s great. That’s better than great... it’s necessary  (Challenge Quotes) The truth is that climate change is presenting the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced  (Challenge Quotes) You can quit smoking, and never have to have a cigarette again to survive. But with food, it is a daily challenge  (Challenge Quotes) It seemed impossible to make an appealing show about bulimia. I mean, it’s my story, and even I don’t wanna watch that. Plus, everybody told me not to - I like a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) Climate change is, over the longer term, our greatest national security challenge. We have to do all we can to slow it down and to prepare for and ameliorate its impact  (Challenge Quotes) I love Morocco - it’s a real challenge to all five senses. You think you know something, and you don’t. It’s wonderful. It keeps you on your toes that way  (Challenge Quotes) I know, we can barely fit them in. That is a big challenge. Treating four lead characters equally, within a 30-minute format, is definitely challenging  (Challenge Quotes) Part of the challenge of being a girl living in the 21st Century, looking back, the danger is to not judge your character by your own standards  (Challenge Quotes) I like to challenge myself, to see if I can actually write a pop album that people can connect with lyrically. Musically, it’s very accessible - or, at least, I hope so  (Challenge Quotes) During the Gulf War, journalists used to challenge government news managers and insisted they wouldn’t just accept the official version of events  (Challenge Quotes) When we had to survive on our wits, gather and kill our food from scratch and be more at the mercy of our environment than we are today, we probably had enough challenge to keep our brains healthy  (Challenge Quotes) If we are not using our brains’ capacity for challenge it feels to me as though it atrophies like an unused muscle  (Challenge Quotes) The trouble is if we take no new steps to try a new challenge, our comfort zone doesn’t seem just to stay still, but retract  (Challenge Quotes) Two brains are better than one. You’ve twice the brain capacity and you have two sets of experiences and genes to bring to any challenge  (Challenge Quotes) It’s hard to be shocking now. It’s hard to challenge people because the Internet has allowed everyone to become much more worldly, much more visual. It’s very hard to surprise people  (Challenge Quotes) I’m not giving up on my work. I’m still trying to challenge people’s aesthetics and myself  (Challenge Quotes) One of the inspiring things about Susan Sarandon career is that there’s a quality of real fearlessness in it - you seem to be in it for the challenge and the experience  (Challenge Quotes) I like challenge. I like to be put into a situation which I haven’t done before. Something new presents itself and I see if I can somehow finagle it into making a work of art out of it  (Challenge Quotes) I make my own surprises and I’m always surprised to see what I do, to see it when it’s finished and the biggest challenge is once I finish it, it’s not a failure. It’s not a flop  (Challenge Quotes) I think challenge for Facebook is to develop a culture that has the advertiser and the ad service be as strong a part of their culture as the user obsession is  (Challenge Quotes) I still love racing and the challenge of it, but at some point, you get to a place where you’re perfectly happy moving on and doing other stuff  (Challenge Quotes) All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the Challenge of science is to find it  (Challenge Quotes) The human being needs a challenge, and my advice to every person in Singapore and elsewhere: Keep yourself interested, have a challenge  (Challenge Quotes) Confronted with a challenge to distill the secret of sound investment into three words, we venture the motto, Margin of Safety  (Challenge Quotes)
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