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Challenge Quotes

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Surround yourself with good people, surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better.  (Challenge Quotes) My challenge is, do not run away from the hard questions. Truly ask yourself what’s worth living for in this life.  (Challenge Quotes) You really have to challenge yourself to come out of those parameters that they put you in, even if that’s your job.  (Challenge Quotes) The human being needs a challenge, and my advice to every person in Singapore and elsewhere: Keep yourself interested, have a challenge.  (Challenge Quotes) As an artist, you never want to write the same song again, you always want to challenge yourself to writing in a different way.  (Challenge Quotes) It sounds like a cliche but there are no shorts cuts. You have to be very dedicated and challenge yourself everyday to be better.  (Challenge Quotes) You always want to challenge yourself and work with people you respect. You can’t always go by genres, but it’s always fun to challenge yourself.  (Challenge Quotes) You can take your fitness seriously, but not yourself. That’s the most difficult part: not to relax. That’s the most difficult challenge I’m facing every fight.  (Challenge Quotes) When you’re acting you put so much of yourself into working. As much fun as it is, it’s still hard work and it’s still a challenge.  (Challenge Quotes) Personal Growth is to see each moment, each person, each challenge and each adversity as an opportunity to embrace more of yourself and the world around you.  (Challenge Quotes) You want roles that challenge you and that scare you a little and where you can really discover something, even about yourself, that maybe you didn’t understand.  (Challenge Quotes) Everything’s the same; I’m living with cancer and it’s not going to stop me. But until you really test yourself and challenge yourself, I don’t think you quite know.  (Challenge Quotes) Play exercises both your physical and creative muscles. It helps you move around, solve problems, challenge yourself, and think in new ways. Not to mention that it’s just plain fun.  (Challenge Quotes) You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas.  (Challenge Quotes) The way you challenge Superman is by having things happen very, very quickly in different places and then asking, ‘Who does he save first? What powers must he use to save each person or stop each disaster?’ That’s one of the ways you make him interesting beyond the thematic and moral issues that make Superman.  (Challenge Quotes) They had that special grace, that special spirit that says, ‘Give me a challenge and I’ll meet it with joy. on Challenger disaster  (Challenge Quotes) There’s nothing like the force and challenge of a new ballet to galvanize everyone involved in bringing it to life.  (Challenge Quotes) If you take every challenge everyone has in their life and multiply it in severity you get what it’s like in the life of an actor.  (Challenge Quotes) I like acting. I really like acting. The career, it can keep you interested. With ‘Entourage,’ the characters are living a lifestyle that is kind of troubling. But the challenge is to make Shauna a person.  (Challenge Quotes) We always hear from newspapers that while people understand the environmental challenge, they are unwilling to stomach the solutions. The trouble is, we only ever hear about the solutions from the media, and for whatever reason, they are almost always caricatured beyond recognition. If there’s no appetite for green, it’s not surprising.  (Challenge Quotes) Comedy is much more challenging, because you have to have the same level of belief but you have to make people laugh, and that’s definitely a challenge.  (Challenge Quotes) I find it some of the hardest photography and the most challenging photography I’ve ever done. It’s a real challenge to work with the natural features and the natural light.  (Challenge Quotes) I was a swimsuit model, and I got bored. Acting was challenging. It was very hard and intimidating. We choose to do things in life sometimes that scare the crap outta us. Performing in front of people was my challenge.  (Challenge Quotes) I like to challenge myself not to be negative, because it’s easy to take comedy to a negative place and criticize the outside world. Trying to praise something through comedy or be appreciative and making jokes about it is more challenging than cutting things down.  (Challenge Quotes) To be a part of a championship team, I’m excited... This is the closest I’ve ever been to a championship. I’m looking forward to the challenge of helping this team repeat.  (Challenge Quotes) I think I started out just loving the attention. But that’s changed into a real love and passion for my profession. Acting has never lost that challenge and excitement for me.  (Challenge Quotes) I was always very physical, growing up, and did sports. I like to get out and do different things, and walk in different shoes. I like change. I like challenge.  (Challenge Quotes) Racial humor was about 35% of my act when I first started. But I realized that it was a crutch. What brought it home was when another comedian said to me, ‘If you changed color tomorrow, you wouldn’t have any material.’ He meant it as a put-down, but I took it as a challenge.  (Challenge Quotes) I have a very strong opinion. I’m absolutely against it. I’m against the challenge system. I’m for the way it is right now. Don’t change that.  (Challenge Quotes) What’s the challenge in writing a novel that few people will read? I’m more than happy writing what I do and have no plans to change that.  (Challenge Quotes)
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