Chance Quotes

Text Quotes
A man can’t ask for much more than the chance to make a difference in his chosen field of work. Politics is my vocation. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this great country of ours. I know I am a better person for it (Chance Quotes)
Here’s my definition of a hero. A hero is an ordinary person given being and action by something bigger than themselves. One thing I’m sure about is I’m real ordinary. Yet I’ve had the chance to touch the lives of a lotta people (Chance Quotes)
Death comes black and hard, rushing down on me from the future, with no possible chance of escape (Chance Quotes)
Games give you a chance to excel, and if you’re playing in good company you don’t even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game (Chance Quotes)
Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? (Chance Quotes)
We will have to take risks, to chance failure, to be willing to walk away from the familiar paths that have brought us to this point (Chance Quotes)
Life cannot have had a random beginning... The trouble is that there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trial is only one part in 10 to the 40,000 power, an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup (Chance Quotes)
We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet; and amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog has made an alliance with us (Chance Quotes)
The mind I love must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, a pool that nobody’s fathomed the depth of, and paths threaded with flowers planted by the mind (Chance Quotes)
It’s never safe to be nostalgic about something until you’re absolutely certain there’s no chance of its coming back (Chance Quotes)
We greatly want a brief word to express the science of improving stock, which is by no means confined to questions of judicious mating, but which, especially in the case of man, takes cognizance of all influences that tend in however remote a degree to give to the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable than they otherwise would have had. The word eugenics would sufficiently express the idea (Chance Quotes)
I prefer a little free speech to no free speech at all; but how many have free speech or the chance or the mind for it; and is not free speech here as elsewhere clamped down on in ratio of its freedom and danger? (Chance Quotes)
We are to put it mildly, in a mess, and there is a strong chance that we shall have exterminated ourselves by the end of the century. Our only consolation will be that as a species, we have had an exciting term of office (Chance Quotes)
To give yourself the best possible chance of playing to your potential, you must prepare for every eventuality. That means practice (Chance Quotes)
The best men are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them; besieged the chance; conquered the chance; and made chance the servitor (Chance Quotes)
I confidently predict the collapse of capitalism and the beginning of history. Something will go wrong in the machinery that converts money into money, the banking system will collapse totally, and we will be left having to barter to stay alive. Those who can dig in their garden will have a better chance than the rest. I’ll be all right; I’ve got a few veg (Chance Quotes)
Do not always prove yourself to be the one in the right. The right will appear. You need only give it a chance (Chance Quotes)
The most remarkable aspect of the transition we are living through is not so much the passage from want to affluence as the passage from labor to leisure. Leisure contains the future, it is the new horizon. The prospect then is one of unremitting labor to bequeath to future generations a chance of founding a society of leisure that will overcome the demands and compulsions of productive labor so that time may be devoted to creative activities or simply to pleasure and happiness (Chance Quotes)
Although men flatter themselves with their great actions, they are not so often the result of a great design as of chance (Chance Quotes)
In my day, we didn’t have the cocaine, so we went out and knocked somebody over the head and took the money. But today, all this cocaine and crack, it doesn’t give kids a chance (Chance Quotes)
I have never quite understood the relationship between beauty and weakness, womanly sweetness and womanly silliness; to my mind, indeed, that woman being the most beautiful who is the most capable, while weakness and silliness can never by any chance be other than unlovely (Chance Quotes)
How often might a man, after he had jumbled a set of letters in a bag, fling them out upon the ground before they would fall into an exact poem, yea, or so much as make a good discourse in prose? And may not a little book be as easily made by chance as this great volume of the world? (Chance Quotes)
Who wanted to creep along in comfort when there was one chance in a thousand of flying? (Chance Quotes)
Music is where I have the most creative freedom, but I love producing. To me, that’s kind of where all the action is. You get a chance to have your hands in every aspect of a film. From picking a director, sometimes picking a writer, to the actors, the wardrobe, set design, editing, music, and marketing (Chance Quotes)
When you’re an actor or actress in this business, usually the natural progression is to direct, but a lot of times, we don’t get a chance to get to it. Myself, I really want to get into it. I want to be the person who eventually doesn’t have to be in front of the camera (Chance Quotes)
There are good people who are dealt a bad hand by fate, and bad people who live long, comfortable, privileged lives. A small twist of fate can save or end a life; random chance is a permanent, powerful player in each of our lives, and in human history as well (Chance Quotes)
Being lazy does not mean that you do not create. In fact, lying around doing nothing is an important, nay crucial, part of the creative process. It is meaningless bustle that actually gets in the way of productivity. All we are really saying is, give peace a chance (Chance Quotes)
You’re not going to get a chance to vote for me on the ballot, but you can actually vote for what I believe in (Chance Quotes)
The great thing about getting older is that you get a chance to tell the people in your life who matter what they mean to you (Chance Quotes)
When you take a year off from football, you come back for all the enjoyable moments. When you’re not playing, you miss out on all the highs, but you also miss these disappointments. But I would rather be in the arena to be excited or be disappointed than not have a chance at all. That’s football. That’s why everybody plays it (Chance Quotes)