Chances Quotes

Text Quotes
The chances of a person breaking through their own habits and sloth and limited mind to actually write something that gets out there and matters to people are slim (Chances Quotes)
Anyone too busy to say thank you will get fewer and fewer chances to say it (Chances Quotes)
It is the simple hypotheses of which one must be most wary; because these are the ones that have the most chances of passing unnoticed (Chances Quotes)
Whenever I decided to release a guy, I always had his room searched first for a gun. You couldn’t take any chances with some of them birds (Chances Quotes)
Be not too presumptuously sure in any business; for things of this world depend on such a train of unseen chances that if it were in man’s hands to set the tables, still he would not be certain to win the game (Chances Quotes)
Though I would have liked my chances in a rematch in 1998 if I were better prepared, it was clear then that computer superiority over humans in chess had always been just a matter of time (Chances Quotes)
I thought it was too wacky for the general public. On his original opinion of his movie’s chances for success, 1997 (Chances Quotes)
Education is the great equalizer of our time. It gives hope to the hopeless and creates chances for those without (Chances Quotes)
If something is repeated over and over as obvious, the chances are that it is obviously false (Chances Quotes)
The person who takes no chances generally has to take whatever is left when others are through choosing (Chances Quotes)
Intelligence takes chances with limited data in an arena where mistakes are not only possible but also necessary (Chances Quotes)
I don’t believe in taking foolish chances, but nothing can be accomplished if we don’t take any chances at all (Chances Quotes)
When you walk around braced for impact, you’re dramatically decreasing your chances. Your chances to avoid the outcome you fear, your chances to make a difference, and your chances to breathe and connect (Chances Quotes)
Try things. Laugh a lot. Mess up. Apologize. Hug people. Take chances. Trust yourself. Lose things. Get over it (Chances Quotes)
Over the very long term, history shows that the chances of any business surviving in a manner agreeable to a company’s owners are slim at best (Chances Quotes)
Civilized people have exchanged some part of their chances of happiness for a measure of security (Chances Quotes)
Atheists have to live with the knowledge that there is no salvation, no redemption, no second chances. Lives can go terribly wrong in ways that can never be put right (Chances Quotes)
I think it’s no secret that I’ve tried to take chances in my career and also in my life, and I believe to not live in fear (Chances Quotes)
Medicine being a compendium of the successive and contradictory mistakes of medical practitioners, when we summon the wisest of them to our aid, the chances are that we may be relying on a scientific truth the error of which will be recognized in a few years time (Chances Quotes)
Canoeing was hard and scary, and the wind could blow you across the lake if you did it wrong. After a year of not doing it right, I could talk to people and get them to sit up straight, take different kinds of chances, to breathe differently, to engage in the moment in the boat. And I changed them, and I changed me in the process (Chances Quotes)
Taking one’s chances is like taking a bath, because sometimes you end up feeling comfortable and warm, and sometimes there is something terrible lurking around that you cannot see until it is too late and you can do nothing else but scream and cling to a plastic duck (Chances Quotes)
I am no fan of books. And chances are, if you’re reading this, you and I share a healthy skepticism about the printed word. Well, I want you to know that this is the first book I’ve ever written, and I hope it’s the first book you’ve ever read. Don’t make a habit of it (Chances Quotes)
It didn’t make you noble to step away from something that wasn’t working, even if you thought you were the reason for the malfunction. Especially then. It just made you a quitter. Because if you were the problem, chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot (Chances Quotes)
No matter what the circumstances. I am more like most men in this regard. No second chances. It’s not so much about morality, but about my inability to forgive. I’m a champion grudge holder, and I don’t think I could change this about myself even if I wanted to (Chances Quotes)
A man. All men. He will pass up a hundred chances to do good for one chance to meddle where meddling is not wanted. He will overlook and fail to see chances, opportunities, for riches and fame and welldoing, and even sometimes for evil. But he won’t fail to see a chance to meddle (Chances Quotes)
As mankind grew obsessed with its hours, the sorrow of lost time became a permanent hole in the human heart. People fretted over missed chances, over inefficient days; they worried constantly about how long they would live, because counting life’s moments had led, inevitably, to counting them down. Soon, in every nation and in every language, time became the most precious commodity (Chances Quotes)
His mother called such people ignorant and superstitious, but his father only shook his head slowly and puffed his pipe and said that sometimes old stories had a grain or two of truth in them and it was best not to take chances. It was why, he said, he crossed himself whenever a black cat crossed his path (Chances Quotes)
Every day, you’ll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net. Sure, it’s a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone.. in my case, business suits and real estate.. but sometimes you have to take risks. When the risks pay off, that’s when you reap the biggest rewards (Chances Quotes)
If the firms that employ an increasing majority of the population are driven solely to satisfy the owner’s greed at the expense of working conditions, of the stability of the community, and of the health of the environment, chances are that the quality of our lives will be worse than it is now (Chances Quotes)
There’s mistakes that I have made. Some chances I just threw away. Some roads I never should’ve taken. Been some signs I didn’t see. Hearts that I hurt needlessly. Some wounds that I wish I could have one more chance to mend, but it don’t make no difference: The past can’t be rewritten. You get the life you’re given (Chances Quotes)