Change Things Quotes

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We get so little news about the developing world that we often forget that there are literally millions of people out there struggling to change things to be fairer, freer, more democratic, less corrupt (Change Things Quotes)
Quite apart from anything else, my experience is trying to change things for the better makes you feel better, healthier. Humans are communicative animals: when you do good in a community, the benefits eventually get back to you (Change Things Quotes)
He’s been a top player for the last 10 years, and we all work on our swings, we all change things. We keep working and then we’re trying to get better, and sometimes you get worse trying to get better. You’ve just got to give it some time, be patient for it to turn around, and when it does turn around, you feel like you can start winning again (Change Things Quotes)
Those who wish to change things may face disappointment, loss, or even ridicule. If you are ahead of your time, people laugh as often as they applaud, and being there first is usually lonely. But our protection cannot come between us and our purpose. Right protection is something within us rather than something between us and the world, more about finding a place of refuge and strength than finding a hiding place (Change Things Quotes)
What inspires me is anxiety and the quest to try to change things in my life... I got addicted to endings and beginnings and to the idea of always moving around... Obviously, whenever you’re going through something that’s the best time to create, if you’re going through something amazing, or horrible, or nothing at all you should be creating. Unfortunately the songwriters of today generally torture themselves to make sure they’re writing good songs and take it a little too seriously (Change Things Quotes)
In life, it is never the big battle, the big moment, the big speech, the big election. That does not change things. What changes things is every day, getting up and rendering small acts of service and love beyond that what’s expected of you or required of you (Change Things Quotes)
You won’t change things unless you are prepared to fight, even if you don’t win. But I do hate losing (Change Things Quotes)
Don’t give up your power to change things. Negativity and unhappiness are caused by you. You can change your attitude (Change Things Quotes)
I think we are constantly faced with the same decision. The decision to be blindly obedient to authority versus the decision to try and change things by fighting the powers that be is always, throughout history, the only decision (Change Things Quotes)
If you wanted to create an education environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was good at doing, you probably would design something like a classroom. If you wanted to create a business environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was good at doing, you probably would design something like a cubicle. And if you wanted to change things, you might have to tear down both and start over (Change Things Quotes)
Prayer might not change things, but it will change my perspective of things. Prayer might not change the past, but inevitably, it changes the present (Change Things Quotes)
In the theatre you can change things ever so slightly; it’s an organic thing. Whereas in film you only have that chance on the day, and you have no control over it at all (Change Things Quotes)
There’s still a lot I’m angry about, a lot of human behaviour that’s appalling and despicable, but you choose what you can fight against. I always thought if I could just put something in words perfectly enough, people would get the idea and it would change things (Change Things Quotes)
I always have a plan, but it’s like the plan for a journey. Once you’re on the road, you change things. If nothing changes, if you end up with something that’s just as you planned it, then you haven’t created art (Change Things Quotes)
I think people who go out and tell you how much they’re gonna change things are the people who end up being just another whatever. I’m never trying to change anything. That’s not for me (Change Things Quotes)
If I can give a very substantial injection of humanistic thinking into corporations, boy, that would change things a lot (Change Things Quotes)
One person can make a difference. You don’t have to be a big shot. You don’t have to have a lot of influence. You just have to have faith in your power to change things (Change Things Quotes)
When you know something or someone in your life is unhealthy or unproductive, that you have grown beyond where they are and where they want to keep you, you must let go. If you tell yourself you do not see it when you do, or if you tell yourself it will get better, you are not being honest with yourself. Stop trying to fix things or change things. Simply let go (Change Things Quotes)
For me, directing is like writing with meat. I can write live, in real time, and change things and be confident that I’m helping the movie (Change Things Quotes)
Every actor wants to change things up a bit. You don’t want to be pigeonholed, and not just because of what the industry might think (Change Things Quotes)
Babies change things, open doors you thought were shut, close others. Make you into something you never been (Change Things Quotes)
Yesterday people were permitted to change things. They will be permitted to advocate changing them tomorrow. It is only dangerous to think of changing anything today (Change Things Quotes)
I am no longer going to go along with this idea that we’re going to keep spending and borrowing and taking over and raising taxes, that I’m going to do everything I can to change things (Change Things Quotes)
If you aren’t happy with your life, change things until you are... if you can’t change something, change your attitude about it (Change Things Quotes)
I’m not trying to change things in the world and trying to use my leverage to do so. The only thing I’m trying to change in the world is that I’m trying to increase the amount of useful information in it. And entertainment, honestly (Change Things Quotes)
God is the one that’s ultimately in control of everything. You can’t try to change things when they’re not meant to be changed (Change Things Quotes)
I was trying to change things on the outside and you can’t. You’ve got to feel it on the inside and everything else will change (Change Things Quotes)
What really distinguishes this generation in all countries from earlier generations... is its determination to act, its joy in action, the assurance of being able to change things by one’s own efforts (Change Things Quotes)
No lake so still but it has its wave. No circle so perfect but that it has its blur. I would change things for you if I could; As I can’t you must take them as they are (Change Things Quotes)
ACT and SAT each have their own parts of the country. The GRE has its lock on graduate admissions. And so, one could blame the companies, but really, economically, they have no incentive to change things very much because they’re getting the business (Change Things Quotes)