Changes Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the best ways to change is to act as if you are the person you want to become. When you behave as if you are a different person, you change on a very basic level - even your physiology changes. When actors and actresses perform, their body chemistry is altered by the roles they play. (Changes Quotes)
When a translation is very good, it is fascinating to see how the book changes and yet stays the same. I think ‘Out Stealing Horses’ sounds more American for Americans than it does in Norway, and still, it is all there, everything that I wrote. It’s amazing. (Changes Quotes)
It’s amazing. Life changes very quickly, in a very positive way, if you let it. (Changes Quotes)
Making changes in the fast food that makes up such a significant part of the American diet, even if the numbers aren’t impressive, will have important health up sides. (Changes Quotes)
As a society, we’ve evolved, and we’ve recognized that the American family structure has undergone enormous changes. Divorce is all around us, and who among us doesn’t know someone who is divorced or has been impacted by divorce. It’s not as scandalous as it was. (Changes Quotes)
Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others changes automatically. (Changes Quotes)
No week is ever the same in my world! An average week in my life changes based on my shooting schedule, if I’m promoting a project, or anything else I have going on. (Changes Quotes)
When playing any song in front of an audience, you’re watching them experience it, and it changes. In a lot of ways, it’s almost like the music is just the background buzz to what’s happening between you and the audience in the room. (Changes Quotes)
I think that beauty can injure you to death. It can cause an injury that can never be cured. Or it can so traumatise you, your life changes direction. The beauty of the harmony of nature that is forever lost, or a daily rite that you perform, or diving into the sea for a swim. Those experiences are going to mark you. (Changes Quotes)
Oh, absolutely. James Caan was the first movie star I’d ever met, much less worked with. He was an important person to me and my brothers and Wes. Bottle Rocket was the first movie for all of us. As you know, back then, [Caan] was having some career changes, I think. (Changes Quotes)
Fashion is not just about trends. It’s about political history. You can trace it from the ancient Romans to probably until the 80s, and you can see defining moments that were due either to revolutions or changes in politics. (Changes Quotes)
It’s such a trip how your body grows and changes, and at the end of the day, you have to wear what you are comfortable in and what you feel good in. (Changes Quotes)
Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others-- it only changes yours (Changes Quotes)
Peace and love are just as contagious as anger and fear. Your mindset affects the people around you and perpetually changes the world. The question is - what kind of world are you creating? What new society are you thinking into existence~? (Changes Quotes)
People are powerfully moved by imagination, belief, and knowledge. They can consider the past and future. They can make changes in their behavior out of reason in a way that animals can’t do. (Changes Quotes)
Life evolved under conditions of light and darkness, light and then darkness. And so plants and animals developed their own internal clocks so that they would be ready for these changes in light. These are chemical clocks, and they’re found in every known being that has two or more cells and in some that only have one cell. (Changes Quotes)
Most of these wild animals depart in autumn when the sun changes their behavior and they feel the urge to migrate or go off alone. While they are with us, however, they become characters in my books, articles, and stories. (Changes Quotes)
Fish farming, even with conventional techniques, changes fish within a few generations from an animal like a wild buffalo or a wildebeest to the equivalent of a domestic cow. (Changes Quotes)
The moment you have a child, in an instant your life is not for you, and your life is completely, 100 percent dedicated to another human being, and they will always come first. It changes you forever. It changes your perspective, and it gives you a nice purpose and focus. (Changes Quotes)
Prayer doesn’t change things - God changes things in answer to prayer (Changes Quotes)
Any time you have coaching changes and things like that, you go and study everything (Changes Quotes)
I want you to embark on the truth of loving yourself because when you love yourself and when you appreciate yourself, you will make healthy changes in your life for healthy reasons. (Changes Quotes)
To me, success is making a positive difference through art - making art that affects the world and that changes the way people feel about themselves and the world. (Changes Quotes)
Art is the only thing that can save me from my opinions about the world. I tend to get very worked up about what I see going on, and I feel, you know, impotent to make the kind of changes and the kind of difference that I would like to make. (Changes Quotes)
To be the agent whose touch changes nature from a wild force to a work of art is inspiration of the highest order. (Changes Quotes)
Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses and start making changes (Changes Quotes)
The first thing I tell clients is get off the couch! Just start making some small lifestyle changes such as walking to work instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the lift. The small things you can change all add up. (Changes Quotes)
You have to make changes before people are clamoring for changes. If people are asking for changes, it’s too late. (Changes Quotes)
Never assume that you’re stuck with the way things are. Life changes, and so can you. (Changes Quotes)
Changes in solar activity have influenced what has been called the conveyor-belt circulation of the great Atlantic Ocean currents over the past 240 years. (Changes Quotes)