Changing Quotes

Text Quotes
All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy (Changing Quotes)
The world is changing, I said. It is no longer a world just for boys and men (Changing Quotes)
Indeed, the interests of the oppressors lie in 'changing the consciousness of the oppressed, not the situation which oppresses them' (Changing Quotes)
A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made (Changing Quotes)
Once you bring life into the world, you must protect it. We must protect it by changing the world (Changing Quotes)
Law and justice are not always the same. When they aren't, destroying the law may be the first step toward changing it (Changing Quotes)
Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situations of experience its own full and unique meaning (Changing Quotes)
There is more than a verbal tie between the words common, community, and communication. Try the experiment of communicating, with fullness and accuracy, some experience to another, especially if it be somewhat complicated, and you will find your own attitude toward your experience changing (Changing Quotes)
I was emotionally and physically punched in the stomach. This is not a place where you go and deliver the lines and then you come back. It's kind of a life changing experience. But it can't get better than this for any actor - this is like an opera (Changing Quotes)
Show us not the aim without the way. For ends and means on earth are so entangled That changing one, you change the other too; Each different path brings other ends in view (Changing Quotes)
Books are necessary to correct the vices of the polite; but those vices are ever changing, and the antidote should be changed accordingly - should still be new (Changing Quotes)
Once you start changing a name, you see, there's no reason ever to stop. One always hears one that sounds better (Changing Quotes)
We can't go very far to change our seeing without simultaneously changing our being, and vice versa (Changing Quotes)
A man who is used to acting in one way never changes; he must come to ruin when the times, in changing, no longer are in harmony with his ways (Changing Quotes)
I have found power in the mysteries of thought, exaltation in the changing of the Muses; I have been versed in the reasonings of men; but Fate is stronger than anything I have known (Changing Quotes)
Fluidity means that our black identities are constantly changing as we respond to circumstances in our families and communities of origin, and as we interact with a wider world (Changing Quotes)
Life - changing gratitude does not fasten to a life unless nailed through with one very specific nail at a time (Changing Quotes)
If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side. Instead of changing the world, all we'll achieve is a reflection of the one we want to destroy (Changing Quotes)
People are constantly changing and growing. do not cling to a limited disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. see that person now. your relationship is always live and changing (Changing Quotes)
In human life there is constant change of fortune; and it is unreasonable to expect an exemption from the common fate. Life itself decays, and all things are daily changing (Changing Quotes)
Our thoughts are either focused on what's eternal, life changing, and true, or lost in the details of our temporary, selfish, false beliefs (Changing Quotes)
Once you master any system, you typically become blind to its flaws; even if you can see them, they appear far too complex and intertwined to consider changing (Changing Quotes)
Conservatism, however, is too often a welcome excuse for lazy minds, loath to adapt themselves to fast changing conditions (Changing Quotes)
The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very conformable to the course of nature, which seems delighted with transmutations (Changing Quotes)
London has always been a haven for victims of cruelty, and been improved by them. Yet I can see it changing now. Outsiders are demonised, there are little bits of legislation, people are scared (Changing Quotes)
The circumstances of the world are continually changing, and the opinions of man change also; and as government is for the living, and not for the dead, it is the living only that has any right in it (Changing Quotes)
The circumstances of the world are continually changing, and the opinions of men change also, government is for the living, and not for the dead; it is the living only that has any right in it (Changing Quotes)
How many loved your moments of glad grace, and loved your beauty with love false or true; but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face (Changing Quotes)
Of all the many changing things In dreary dancing past us whirled, To the cracked tune that Chronos sings, Words alone are certain good (Changing Quotes)
What frightened her the most was the moment of those first notes, because that was when people really listened: She was changing the atmosphere in the room (Changing Quotes)