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Changing Quotes

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Politics are not a science based on logic; they are the capacity of always choosing at each instant, in constantly changing situations, the least harmful, the most useful  (Changing Quotes) Try to find pleasure in the speed that you’re not used to. Changing the way you do routine things allows a new person to grow inside of you. But when all is said and done, you’re the one who must decide how you handle it  (Changing Quotes) Then he asked if I didn’t like things changing. And I said I wouldn’t mind things changing if I became an astronaut, for example, which is one of the biggest changes you can imagine, apart from becoming a girl or dying  (Changing Quotes) Change isn’t easy. Changing the way you live means changing the way you think, means changing what you believe about life. That’s hard  (Changing Quotes) Living systems are never in equilibrium. They are inherently unstable. They may seem stable, but they’re not. Everything is moving and changing. In a sense, everything is on the edge of collapse  (Changing Quotes) Changing the world is good for those who want their names in books. But being happy, that is for those who write their names in the lives of others, and hold the hearts of others as the treasure most dear  (Changing Quotes) The reason they invented coffins, to lock the dead in, preserve them, they put makeup on them; they didn’t want them spreading or changing into anything else. The stone with the name and date was on them to weight them down  (Changing Quotes) You’re always you, and that don’t change, and you’re always changing, and there’s nothing you can do about it  (Changing Quotes) Our first impressions are generated by our experiences and our environment, which means that we can change our first impressions... by changing the experiences that comprise those impressions  (Changing Quotes) That is surely the truth, at least for now. But perhaps you have not noticed: the truth is forever changing  (Changing Quotes) An empty frame, in which the picture is always changing, makes a statement about how time is always passing. It doesn’t really stop, even in a single image. I t just feels that way  (Changing Quotes) She doesn’t know I cry for the changing times. That just as I reread favourite books, some small part of me hoping for a different ending, I find myself hoping against hope that the war will never come. That this time, somehow, it will leave us be  (Changing Quotes) That was the thing. You just never knew. Forever was so many different things. It was always changing, it was what everything was really all about  (Changing Quotes) Death without the possibility of ever changing the world is the same as a life that never was  (Changing Quotes) His life has been like a ballpark, hasn’t it? All lines, structure, and rules, never changing. But now he’s been hit over the wall into unknown territory  (Changing Quotes) Are we changing the idea of what beauty is? Let’s hope so. I’m not the typical Hollywood beauty. Let’s hope we’re looking at the insides of people a little more  (Changing Quotes) ... one cannot but wonder how an environment can make people despair and sit idle and then, by changing the conditions, one can transform the same people into matchless performers  (Changing Quotes) He’d always had that fearless optimism that made cynics like me squirm. I wondered if it was enough for both of us. I would never know from here, though. And time was passing. Crucial minutes and seconds, each one capable of changing everything  (Changing Quotes) The future is always changing. If we had no choices, there’d be no point in living  (Changing Quotes) Don’t ever write anything you don’t like yourself and if you do like it, don’t take anyone’s advice about changing it. They just don’t know  (Changing Quotes) There is the strange power we have of changing facts by the force of the imagination  (Changing Quotes) Is it a crime when you love someone so much that you can’t stand the thought of them changing? Is it a crime when you love someone so much that you can’t see clearly?  (Changing Quotes) With our rarely changing temperaments strong emotions can alter us in permanent ways. But he said I did not need to worry about that part – you had already altered me so completely  (Changing Quotes) There are two kinds of pain: the pain of change and the pain of never changing and remaining the same  (Changing Quotes) Life could take on any number of shapes while you were busy fighting your own demons. But if you were changing at the same rate as the person beside you, nothing else really mattered. You became each other’s constant  (Changing Quotes) If you kept changing the way people saw the world, you ended up changing the way you saw yourself  (Changing Quotes) New thoughts and hopes were whirling through my mind, and all the colours of my life were changing  (Changing Quotes) The thing about changing the world... Once you do it, the world’s all different  (Changing Quotes) You should think about your character. Know where you are changing, how you will be changed, what cannot be changed back again  (Changing Quotes) I’m encouraging young people to become social business entrepreneurs and contribute to the world, rather than just making money. Making money is no fun. Contributing to and changing the world is a lot more fun  (Changing Quotes)
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