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Character Quotes

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Niceness is a decision, a strategy of social interaction; it is not a character trait  (Character Quotes) Whoever has character also has his typical experience, which returns over and over again  (Character Quotes) The true measure of your character is what you do when nobody’s watching  (Character Quotes) Usually when you’re playing a character, you think a lot about their backstory  (Character Quotes) What I like about theatre is the responsibility you have with your character  (Character Quotes) Alike for the nation and the individual, the one indispensable requisite is character  (Character Quotes) We were raising our standard of living at the expense of our standard of character  (Character Quotes) Adulthood is knowing that a fully realized character is always more important than the lines  (Character Quotes) We must support our rights or lose our character, and with it, perhaps, our liberties  (Character Quotes) You can tell the character of every man when you see how he receives praise  (Character Quotes) It works better if your lead character is complex and interesting and not perfect  (Character Quotes) A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes anothers  (Character Quotes) In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker  (Character Quotes) Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself  (Character Quotes) A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user  (Character Quotes) You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one  (Character Quotes) A book begins with an image or character or situation that I care about deeply  (Character Quotes) You can’t truthfully explain your smallest action without fully revealing your character  (Character Quotes) Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there  (Character Quotes) In every man’s writings, the character of the writer must lie recorded  (Character Quotes) Study carefully, the character of the one you recommend, lest their misconduct bring you shame  (Character Quotes) The distinctive character of a child is to always live in the tangible present  (Character Quotes) The character of false wit is that of appearing to depend only upon reason  (Character Quotes) The foundation of culture, as of character, is at last the moral sentiment  (Character Quotes) Malice is of the boomerang character, and is apt to turn upon the projector  (Character Quotes) The love for our native land strengthens our individual and national character  (Character Quotes) The manner of giving shows the character of the giver, more than the gift itself  (Character Quotes) Character is expressed through our behavior patterns, or natural responses to things  (Character Quotes) My natural inclination to be improv rather than an educated character serves me well  (Character Quotes) If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs  (Character Quotes)
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