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Character Quotes

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Character is never built in a classroom; it is built in the circumstances of life  (Character Quotes) With every character, you alter, you can’t be attached to your own identity  (Character Quotes) The idea of being a character who is kind of isolated, I can relate to that  (Character Quotes) Attend well to your character, and your reputation will look out for itself  (Character Quotes) True independence of character empowers us to act rather than be acted upon  (Character Quotes) One of the best ways to elevate your character is to emulate worthy role models  (Character Quotes) Men of character are the conscience of the society to which they belong  (Character Quotes) Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character  (Character Quotes) Profitability comes from loyalty, productivity, and having a character base from which to work  (Character Quotes) There is nothing more to be esteemed than a manly firmness and decision of character  (Character Quotes) War being the greatest of evils, all its accessories necessarily partake of the same character  (Character Quotes) Among the fearless soldiers that fight for your victory in life, character has no equal  (Character Quotes) A perfect society is built upon mutual trust. Character is the source of that trust  (Character Quotes) Writing a teen character is something I wanted to try again for a long time!  (Character Quotes) Character is higher than intellect. Thinking is the function; living is the functionary  (Character Quotes) Moral character is assessed not by what a man knows but by what he loves  (Character Quotes) The vilest abortionist is he who attempts to mould a child’s character  (Character Quotes) I prefer the rather old and battered, things with character, to the brand new  (Character Quotes) Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down within incredible swiftness  (Character Quotes) Character is better than ancestry, and personal conduct is of more importance than the highest  (Character Quotes) Our cultural diversity has most certainly shaped our national character  (Character Quotes) History is the record of an encounter between character and circumstances  (Character Quotes) I think possibly the first film that has music as its leading character  (Character Quotes) Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life  (Character Quotes) She’s a very charismatic character, and she holds the whole play together  (Character Quotes) Christianity stamped its character on jurisprudence; for empire has ever a connection with the priesthood  (Character Quotes) If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself  (Character Quotes) Prison make you a better judge of character. You pick up on people much faster  (Character Quotes) But, you know, it really depends on the character. Age doesn’t really matter  (Character Quotes) In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity  (Character Quotes)
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