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Character Quotes

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You can’t think about how people will perceive you or your character. All you can do is focus on your work. The rest is up to the universe. I’ve been acting for 16 years. I’ve done 55 movies and, in all seriousness, there’s maybe five that are good and the rest are crap  (Character Quotes) The nuances and organic characteristics of a character become second nature if I’m doing my job well  (Character Quotes) A quality is something capable of being completely embodied. A law never can be embodied in its character as a law except by determining a habit. A quality is how something may or might have been. A law is how an endless future must continue to be  (Character Quotes) A man’s character never changes radically from youth to old age. What happens is that circumstances bring out characteristics which have not been obvious to the superficial observer  (Character Quotes) Inside of all the makeup and the character and makeup, it’s you, and I think that’s what the audience is really interested in... you, how you’re going to cope with the situation, the obstacles, the troubles that the writer put in front of you  (Character Quotes) I can understand in some sense, having played the character, how unimaginably frustrating it is for people to tell you that you can’t love who you love, because you ain’t going to change it, and so they have to get out of your way  (Character Quotes) Well, usually when I finish one character, I’m looking for a role that’s really different  (Character Quotes) I lost 90 pounds and my blood pressure went down to a normal level and the salt in my urine disappeared. And that was when I had to make the transition from fat character actor to thin character actor  (Character Quotes) Once upon a time there was a widow who had two daughters. The elder was so much like her, both in looks and character, that whoever saw the daughter saw the mother  (Character Quotes) I love working with new directors. There’s so much drive and effort. It still comes down to the character for me, but if it’s a character I really want to play, I would never not do the project because of a new director  (Character Quotes) Grissom is a character who doesn’t really want people poking around in his life. He likes to poke around in his work  (Character Quotes) I think you can find yourself on one of these shows for a long period of time and think that all you’ll ever be able to do is that character. Certainly people think of you that way  (Character Quotes) I’d like to play every type of character, but only once. I like to expierence things  (Character Quotes) It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character  (Character Quotes) The process of creation goes on all the time. When I get through, I feel I know what the character will do in every situation. But the building up of the part is not mechanical or deliberate. It grows out of the text  (Character Quotes) Cigarettes are an instant signifier in culture. It punctuates a joke, or puts that extra zing on a punch line. I like them as a prop. I think it can be really useful for character and texture and contrast and all of that  (Character Quotes) I approach my character with the question: What would an animal think? How would an animal respond? A lot of times, it’s quick action and no fear, and sometimes it’s irrational fear. You don’t always know  (Character Quotes) I read every script from beginning to end, and I read every draft that I can. I like the show, I like the character, and I want to protect both of those things  (Character Quotes) It’s all about exploring the more unpredictable aspects in the character, not just fighting people  (Character Quotes) The most important thing is to just be good at what you do. You do a good job playing the character, and people will be taken up with your character, not your clothes  (Character Quotes) I desire to assist in attracting to this profession young men of character and ability, also to help those already engaged in the profession to acquire the highest moral and intellectual training  (Character Quotes) It is the creator of fiction’s point of view; it is the character who interests him. Sometimes he wants to convince the reader that the story he is telling is as interesting as universal history  (Character Quotes) To have one’s own story told by a third party who doesn’t know that the character in question is himself the hero of the story being told, that’s a technical refinement  (Character Quotes) We have gotten away from this double aspect of either putting the character back into historical events or of making a historical event of his very life  (Character Quotes) Some of the newer folks in the industry, I’m not sure they are familiar with the term acting. They don’t understand what it means to play a character rather than just be a personality  (Character Quotes) The mind is exercised by the variety and multiplicity of the subject matter, while the character is moulded by the contemplation of virtue and vice  (Character Quotes) I didn’t have to audition. That’s common, but it had never happened to me before. Normally, I hate auditioning. I need to stew and think... let the character develop and grow inside me  (Character Quotes) Your source material is the people you know, not those you don’t know, but every character is an extension of the author’s own personality  (Character Quotes) I’m always more motivated by the pain of a funny character than by what makes him funny  (Character Quotes) I really love the process, with stage, of rehearsal, you get to create a character, and you have a beginning, a middle, and an end of story. And in television, you don’t  (Character Quotes)
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