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Character Quotes

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The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself  (Character Quotes) The formation of character in young people is educationally a different task from, and a prior task to, the discussion of the great, difficult, ethical controversies of the day. First things first. And planting the ideas of virtue, of good traits in the young, comes first. In the moral life, as in life itself, we take one step at a time. Every field has its complexities and controversies. And so does ethics. And every field has its basics. So too with values  (Character Quotes) If you’re offered something, you’re not really sure exactly what is that they saw in you that they think is the character so it’s a little scary, I feel  (Character Quotes) You don’t realize how much a part of your character is part of yourself until you are no longer playing that character  (Character Quotes) Once the curtain is raised, the actor is ceases to belong to himself. He belongs to his character, to his author, to his public. He must do the impossible to identify himself with the first, not to betray the second, and not to disappoint the third  (Character Quotes) Yeah, it’s fun to be somebody you’re not, to bring a character to life  (Character Quotes) Not everyone likes watching rushes, but it makes me work harder, and I don’t feel I am watching myself, but watching the progression of the character  (Character Quotes) Slater’s a big star and he’s been in the business a long time. He’s always in a good mood and easygoing but he takes his character very seriously  (Character Quotes) I have discovered that we may be in some degree whatever character we choose. Besides, practice forms a man to anything  (Character Quotes) And while I might not always agree with the viewpoint I have to portray, because I play a district attorney, as an actress I can always tell myself that my character is trying to take the moral high ground  (Character Quotes) Nor does the idea of a moral order asserting itself against attack or want of conformity answer in full to our feelings regarding the tragic character  (Character Quotes) To me, the psychology behind the character is critical. So I work very hard to get into the mind of the man that I’m going to be playing, because number one, I want to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. It’s essential, it’s absolutely essential  (Character Quotes) My favorite roles usually have to do with the story, if it’s a good story I usually enjoy doing the character  (Character Quotes) Highly educated young people are tutored, taught and monitored in all aspects of their lives, except the most important, which is character building. When it comes to this, most universities leave them alone  (Character Quotes) When you cover politics, you realize that knowing how to talk about character matters more and more. The way we hold ideas is more important than the ideas  (Character Quotes) Obviously you have to have talent in order to play so you can’t overlook that, but we won’t overlook the character issue when it comes to talent because if they have talent and they don’t have character, it’s going to be very difficult to coach that person  (Character Quotes) The main thing in acting is honesty, to feel the humanity and get to the essence of the character. You can’t put anything into a character that you haven’t got within you  (Character Quotes) Actually, I get a little say in what my character would or wouldn’t do  (Character Quotes) I get to experiment with a lot of looks with my character so that’s really fun for me. It’s like getting to paint a new canvas everyday  (Character Quotes) In the initial season of a show, you’re figuring out your character and their life and their background and you’re putting together all the chapters of the book  (Character Quotes) Not to oversimplify it, somebody once said a good rule of thumb in interpreting a character is to find the good in the bad people that you portray and the bad in the good  (Character Quotes) I’ve always thought of myself as more of a character actress. I’ve tried to do different things, but I’ve always been under the radar and that’s how I like it. I’ve been really blessed to work this long and I just hope I continue to get better and better and better and better  (Character Quotes) Whenever people get to see you, it’s a great thing. Once people see an image and see the character, they can get into the music a lot more  (Character Quotes) You’re being cast for your acting ability. It’s not based on the way your body functions. If you’re playing a lead in a movie, it’s for that character and they’ll tailor it to you. In a dance company, you have to fit in a definite mold  (Character Quotes) I think I may have become an actor to hide from myself. You can escape into a character  (Character Quotes) I think being mean to people in high school is healthy. It’s sort of like you’re in this situation with all these other kids and sometimes you need to get your aggression out. And if you’d had people be mean to you before, it really does build character  (Character Quotes) I don’t mind playing the same character, but if it’s not well done, then I’m not interested  (Character Quotes) It was a challenge to be able to create a character without being able to use one’s normal set of expressions. All the rubber and makeup attached to your face left you with only a modest range of facial movements  (Character Quotes) Usually I’m frustrated when I look at my films and I don’t believe that I’ve made a real transformation beyond my usual sets of gestures and expressions. I still have this nagging feeling that it’s me, that I didn’t create a unique character  (Character Quotes) What I loved about playing the corpse is that obviously somebody else got to do the physical part. It appeals to the part of me that likes playing character parts and getting the chance to get away from my own physicality  (Character Quotes)
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