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Age should not have its face lifted, but it should rather teach the world to admire wrinkles as the etchings of experience and the firm line of character  (Character Quotes) Whatever character you play, it gives you the chance to expose another side of yourself that maybe you’ve never felt comfortable with, or never knew about  (Character Quotes) Studying cows, pigs and chickens can help an actor develop his character. There are a lot of things I learned from animals. One was that they couldn’t hiss or boo me  (Character Quotes) I don’t live that much with the character. I find it hard enough having to spend so many hours with the character during the day  (Character Quotes) You get involved with a character after spending a long time waiting, and this demands a lot of energy and concentration  (Character Quotes) I’m trying to find a character that’s my age and I can sustain week after week. I’d like to do a series  (Character Quotes) I don’t really approach a character as to whether or not it’s good or bad. I just approach a character as to where it lives in me  (Character Quotes) A man of personality can formulate ideals, but only a man of character can achieve them  (Character Quotes) I’m not a villain, I’ve never hurt anyone. I’m just a tawdry character who explodes now and again  (Character Quotes) You want to play another kind of character in another genre, and it’s been something I’ve been trying to do if I can in the career so far, and it’s something I hope to continue because it’s interesting to me and you get to do different things as an actor  (Character Quotes) I wanted to be as comfortable in that environment as she was. I moved around those areas in character  (Character Quotes) He has such a clear vision of exactly what he wanted out of each character, out of each set, out of each wardrobe change, out of each emotional beat, and action  (Character Quotes) I’m a performer. I push the envelope, I work in a very uncontrolled manner onstage. I do a lot of free association, it’s spontaneous, I go into character  (Character Quotes) Each instrument has something to say to you. It’s got its own character. Each horn has its own character and will say to you certain things. If you violate that, it’s almost a sacrilege!  (Character Quotes) Im not the kind of actress that goes home with the character. I mean, youre thinking about the work or the next days scenes, but not staying in character. But as a film goes on, you become more and more fragile, emotionally. And physically too, actually  (Character Quotes) I don’t think my spirituality has affected my character. I feel like my character is much more cynical about his beliefs, and I think I have to kind of drop what I believe in order to play him  (Character Quotes) We had to do the same thing here. To top that sequel was quite a task. Mike had a couple of good conceptual humour and character ideas, which got me back into it  (Character Quotes) If I’m really considering doing film from now on then that is the smart thing to do, or you can go either way. You can just do the same character over and over again and make a different comedy like over and over again  (Character Quotes) It’s easier to play a dim character, for me, because I have a natural bent for comedy. It’s not intrinsic for me to be crafty, so I would have to go outside for a source of origin. I think of myself as pretty dim  (Character Quotes) I would assume most people hate my character. But I’m hoping that I’m the character you love to hate  (Character Quotes) A tree against the sky possesses the same interest, the same character, the same expression as the figure of a human  (Character Quotes) I think we’ve all been kind of... everyone’s been hurt, everyone’s felt loss, everyone has exultation, everyone has a need to be loved, or to have lost love, so when you play a character, you’re pulling out those little threads and turning them up a bit  (Character Quotes) I was never a leading man. I’ve always been in the outer concentric circles in the company, being a character actor, which is a good place to be. It gives you that diversity  (Character Quotes) I’ve loved the escapism of being another person, slipping into another character for a little while  (Character Quotes) I often concentrate on the eyes and lips, they are great indicators of mood and feeling, and I find that I can project character into my portraits by bringing the viewer’s attention to these areas  (Character Quotes) It gets pretty boring when all you are is the support system for a male character  (Character Quotes) I always think change is important in a character. The most dynamic choices that you can make for a character are always the best ones  (Character Quotes) The hardest thing about movie acting is that if you’re playing a character who changes within the movie, you’ve got to do that, but you’ve got to do it out of sequence, because we never have gotten to shoot in sequence, and that’s really, really tough  (Character Quotes) If you compare my character to the others, they were sexy with designer clothes. I had the nerdy outfit  (Character Quotes) My favorite part is the preparation because you read on the page, you get this character  (Character Quotes)
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