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I start with actors that I know personally or I know their work, and there are things about their work or their presence or their own personality that make a character, that exaggerates some qualities and suppresses other qualities. It’s always a real collaboration for me  (Character Quotes) I always want to know what’s wrong with you, why you ain’t smiling. That’s just my character; I just love people and want to see people having a good time  (Character Quotes) It is hard to describe the thrill of creative joy which the artist feels when the conviction seizes her that at last she has caught the very soul of the character she wishes to portray, in the music and action which reveal it  (Character Quotes) It seems like there’s a lot of people who just do not understand satire. They think it’s weird. There’s people who just don’t understand you portray something or just explore a character, it means you’re condoning it, saying this is the way to live  (Character Quotes) Why should every single character be an honor student who goes around helping others and never doing anything wrong? Is that like the rule or something?  (Character Quotes) Well, you know, what’s better? To play a character who stays stuck in the same baggage year after year, or to play a character who gets beyond that and goes to a new level?  (Character Quotes) An ignorant person with a bad character is like an unarmed robber, but a learned person with a blog is a robber fully armed  (Character Quotes) I... had guys on the set who didn’t like me... they weren’t interested in the cold character  (Character Quotes) The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character  (Character Quotes) After I play every character, I always walk away and feel a little different. I’ve experienced something that’s not my life, but I’ve made it my life  (Character Quotes) I found out was, by the rhythm of my chewing, how I chewed fast, slow or what have you, I could tell the audience what my character was thinking and feeling  (Character Quotes) Well, one of the problems of working on a story with a character that sacred in the religions of the world or in a picture about that person, is that you have to forget about that and play it as real as you can because you can’t look at yourself and judge yourself  (Character Quotes) As time went on, I did campaign to lighten the character a little bit, to introduce some romance into the episodes, outside activities, horse riding and fencing and mountaineering  (Character Quotes) This idea, as you know, that I have firm convictions that the idea of issues being a big deal where our mutual friend went back and he felt so strongly that the determining factor in electoral success should be a proven character  (Character Quotes) When something really extreme happens, you have to find a way to embrace that and include it in how you think about the character. Sometimes it’s not easy  (Character Quotes) Well first of all you have to make the character strong so that people can follow that. And then hopefully that character can integrate with the background of the social situation that people can recognize  (Character Quotes) I think if you work as an actress and are supposed as a character to be in love with some actor, then to some extent you do have to be in love with him  (Character Quotes) I think our failure in the production of good town churches of distinctive character must have struck you often, as it has me, when contrasted with our comparative success in country churches  (Character Quotes) I pray to be of service to the playwright, the audience, the other actors and my character  (Character Quotes) Any one who believes that any great enterprise of an industrial character can be started without labor must have little experience of life  (Character Quotes) I suppose meeting people whether it’s in real life and actually shaking their flesh and blood hand or shaking the mystical hand of the character all rub off on you in some way  (Character Quotes) I felt like I was flying without a net. But once I realized that the audience was my partner, I was flying a jet, because the people would allow me to develop the character on stage  (Character Quotes) The most important basis of any novel is wanting to be someone else, and this means creating a character  (Character Quotes) The tenacious character I’ve possessed since I was a small child propelled me to successfully meet this challenge, and I was able to safely gain acceptance to the university of my choice  (Character Quotes) And I tell ya, when I sit in that sound booth and started reading the script and starting to get into the character, man, it’s an easy jump for me, because I understand what it’s all about  (Character Quotes) I would say that playing this character has caused me to think about a lot of things. He’s always questioning himself and trying to get back to something he lost touch with and trying to find forgiveness. Everybody struggles with these things to some extent in their life  (Character Quotes) What it made me realize was that a show like this makes people look inside themselves. Because this crew guy isn’t sitting there wishing the character would fight back. He’s hoping that he would fight back  (Character Quotes) In violent streets and broken homes, the cry of anguished souls is not for more laws but for more conscience and character  (Character Quotes) There is no longer beauty except in the struggle. No more masterpieces without an aggressive character. Poetry must be a violent assault against the unknown forces in order to overcome them and prostrate them before men  (Character Quotes) Woman’s soul is present and lives more intensely in all parts of the body, and it is inwardly affected by that which happens to the body; whereas, with men, the body has more pronoucedly the character of an instrument which serves them in their work and which is accompanied by a certain detachment  (Character Quotes)
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