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Character Quotes

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There are occasions when a woman, no matter how weak and impotent in character she may be in comparison with a man, will yet suddenly become not only harder than any man, but even harder than anything and everything in the world  (Character Quotes) In books and in life, you need to read several pages before someone’s true character is revealed  (Character Quotes) I think so, too. I know I felt that way. For years. It was as if I was a character in a movie and the real action was about to start at any minute. But I think some people wait forever, and only at the end of their lives do they realize that their life has happened while they were waiting for it to start  (Character Quotes) Don’t we all deserve forgiveness? I hope we do; I believe we do. Forgiveness says as much about the character of the person bestowing it as the person receiving it. Learning to forgive may be the most difficult of human acts,and the closest thing to divinity, whatever you decide that is  (Character Quotes) We have to keep company with supposedly bad characters if we are to survive and not succumb to mental atrophy. People of good character, so called, are the ones who end up boring us to death  (Character Quotes) I was half asleep but I smiled. In spite of all his irritating qualities, I couldn’t help liking a man who despised a fictional character with such passion  (Character Quotes) My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence  (Character Quotes) Mannerism is not character, and affectation is the avowed enemy of grace. Every dancer ought to regard his laborious art as a link in the chain of beauty, as a useful ornament for the stage, and this, in turn, as an important element in the spiritual development of nations  (Character Quotes) If one had to define one essential gift with which a dancer needs to be endowed, there might be a rush of answers. A beautiful body, grace of line, graciousness of spirit, joy in the work, ability to please, unswerving integrity, relentless ambition towards some abstract perfection. Certainly all these factors determine a dancer’s character, and every element exists in some combination within the performing artist’s presence  (Character Quotes) Real freedom comes from the mastery, through knowledge, of historic conditions and race character, which makes possible a free and intelligent use of experience for the purpose of progress  (Character Quotes) Faithfulness to the truth of history involves far more than a research, however patient and scrupulous, into special facts. Such facts may be detailed with the most minute exactness, and yet the narrative, taken as a whole, may be unmeaning or untrue. The narrator must seek to imbue himself with the life and spirit of the time. He must study events in their bearings near and remote; in the character, habits, and manners of those who took part in them. He must himself be, as it were, a sharer or a spectator of the action he describes  (Character Quotes) A modern theory of knowledge which takes account of the relational as distinct from the merely relative character of all historical knowledge must start with the assumption that there are spheres of thought in which it is impossible to conceive of absolute truth existing independently of the values and position of the subject and unrelated to the social context  (Character Quotes) Readers will stay with an author, no matter what the variations in style and genre, as long as they get that sense of story, of character, of empathetic involvement  (Character Quotes) The key is to listen to your heart and let it carry you in the direction of your dreams. I’ve learned that it’s possible to set your sights high and achieve your dreams and do it with integrity, character, and love. And each day that you’re moving toward your dreams without compromising who you are, you’re winning  (Character Quotes) There’s only one reason why a character drinks: to seek confrontation. To fight for what they want in ways normally denied them  (Character Quotes) You are the spokesman for your character, you put on his case. Are you going to win or lose? There’ll be no drama if you look like a loser at the outset  (Character Quotes) If you’re an actor, always be true to your character. If you are not an actor, have character and always be true to yourself  (Character Quotes) The true test of a person’s character is how they treat the people in life that they don’t need  (Character Quotes) We do not see everything in the environment in the complete, totally resolved, explicit character of the photograph. We, in fact, prioritize our seeing  (Character Quotes) Character is an essential tendency. It can be covered up, it can be messed with, it can be screwed around with, but it can’t be ultimately changed. It’s the structure of our bones, the blood that runs through our veins  (Character Quotes) If we want our children to possess the traits of character we most admire, we need to teach them what those traits are and why they deserve both admiration and allegiance. Children must learn to identify the forms and content of those traits  (Character Quotes) Sports ideally teach discipline and commitment. They challenge you and build character for everything you do in life  (Character Quotes) It’s only when it comes to crunch time that people’s true character comes out  (Character Quotes) Everyone knows that weeds eat out the life of the garden and of the productive fields. It’s like that in the building and developing of character. No one knows our own faults and tendencies better than we do ourselves, so that it is up to each one of us to keep the weeds out, and to keep all growth vigorous and fruitful  (Character Quotes) Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character  (Character Quotes) Something deep in my character allows me to take the hits and get on with trying to win  (Character Quotes) Every thing in human character goes to wreck, under the reign of procrastination, while prompt action gives to all things a corresponding and proportional life and energy  (Character Quotes) One of the most important lessons that experience teaches is that, on the whole, success depends more upon character than upon either intellect or fortune  (Character Quotes) The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and to compete against yourself to the greatest extent possible. When you do that, you have dignity. You have the pride. You can walk about with character and pride no matter in what place you happen to finish  (Character Quotes) My mom always tells me that... Nobody is going to remember you for the great basketball player you are but they will remember you for the character you have off the court and how many lives you’re changed  (Character Quotes)
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