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Character Quotes

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In the range of my character at any given moment, I have acted in the only way it seemed to me I could have acted. This in no way means that I have done what was right; only what was possible for me. Sometimes I have done what I knew was wrong, and have rationalized. But rationalization is a form of desperation. It takes kindness to forgive oneself for one’s life  (Character Quotes) It’s been a tough season for all of us, but all we can do is keep fighting and showing character to the end of the season  (Character Quotes) If you do not have an alert and curious interest in character and dramatic situation, if you have no visual imagination and are unable to distinguish between honest emotional reactions and sentimental approaches to life, you will never write a competent short story  (Character Quotes) In a novel, the author gives the leading character intelligence and distinction. Fate goes to less trouble: mediocrities play a part in great events simply from happening to be there  (Character Quotes) Dialogue has to show not only something about the speaker that is its own revelation, but also maybe something about the speaker that he doesn’t know but the other character does know  (Character Quotes) He is as tough as anything. You can crack him once, but he won’t let it bother him. He’s back on his feet in no time and getting on with it. He is a strong character and a great sight when he’s heading for goal  (Character Quotes) Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce. They are bought and sold. You can hire them by the year or by the hour. The only thing in the world not for sale is character  (Character Quotes) Manliness means perfect manhood, as womanliness implies perfect womanhood. Manliness is the character of a man as he ought to be, as he was meant to be  (Character Quotes) The principal object of your reading should be for the acquisition of useful knowledge, and the strengthening, refining, and ennobling of your character  (Character Quotes) It is no proof of a man’s understanding to be able to affirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false, this is the mark and character of intelligence  (Character Quotes) It is to be regretted that domestication has seriously deteriorated the moral character of the duck. In a wild state, he is a faithful husband... but no sooner is he domesticated than he becomes polygamous, and makes nothing of owning ten or a dozen wives at a time  (Character Quotes) There is a continuum that runs from character to productivity. Who you are and what you believe make a difference to those who look to you for leadership. The values you live will reach the bottom line of your company  (Character Quotes) It took thrift and savings, together with tremendous character and vision, to make our nation what it is today. And it will take thrift and savings, together with constant ingenuity and stamina, to conserve our remaining resources to enable us to continue to be a great nation  (Character Quotes) Unless the will is free, man has no freedom; and if he has no freedom he is not a moral agent, that is, he is incapable of moral action and also of moral character  (Character Quotes) The true test is, whether the object be of a local character, and local use; or, whether it be of general benefit to the states. If it be purely local, congress cannot constitutionally appropriate money for the object. But, if the benefit be general, it matters not, whether in point of locality it be in one state, or several; whether it be of large, or of small extent  (Character Quotes) When I have to play the same role every day, I have the flexibility to play the character in so many different ways. It’s almost like playing five different roles  (Character Quotes) With each new character, I find something new about myself that I didn’t know before  (Character Quotes) Acting offers me an outlet. Here is the perfect opportunity to spend fleeting moments becoming an entirely different person; to experience a character entirely unlike myself, but to also make such a character a part of me. There is no routine here; there is no boredom. How does one get bored of life?  (Character Quotes) I’ve made mistakes but the beauty of life is that each regret builds character and makes us a better person  (Character Quotes) I am not somebody who just likes to run. I am a runner. This is the difference between a pastime and a passion. I like to play golf, but I am not a golfer. I like to cook, but I am not a chef. I don’t just like to run. I am a runner. It is a passion. It is part of who I am and is woven into the fabric of my personality, character, and psyche  (Character Quotes) Calligraphy may well be simply an artistic version of another form, that is the ideograms which make up the poem, but then not only does it reflect the character and temperament of the artist but... also betrays his heart rate, his breathing  (Character Quotes) Strength is taking charge of your own destiny and not waiting on others to do so. You don’t have to swear and drink and beat people up and slay monsters. You’re allowed to cry and take care of children and cook and get your heart broken and dress up and date and get pregnant. But when decisions have to be made, a strong character makes them and doesn’t wait for someone else  (Character Quotes) The philosophical underpinnings of my approach to acting are that there are universal human qualities, and that every character is actually available within each one of us, that if we tap down into that universal humanness, we can find whatever character it is that we need to play already there within ourselves, and it’s just a matter of peeling apart the onion that is you and finding that character within you, because of this universal human quality  (Character Quotes) Being on television, playing the same character for many years, for me, I think that would get a little tedious  (Character Quotes) I have an obsessive character. I manicure my nails at three in the morning because nobody else can do it the right way. Maybe that’s the secret to my success  (Character Quotes) Well, I don’t think characters change. I think they become more revealed. I don’t think you really can change a character on a show  (Character Quotes) After much consideration, I am moving onward with a combination of disappointment at leaving behind a character I have loved playing for seven years and excitement of the new opportunities in acting and producing that lie ahead  (Character Quotes) I don’t care if people like my character. I just want them to think about the movie’s message  (Character Quotes) I do not hold that because the author did a bad job of writing the player need trump it with the same kind of acting. When I go into a picture I have only one character to look after. If the author didn’t do him justice, I try to add whatever the creator of the part overlooked  (Character Quotes) I think it’s interesting to have a cool character not look so cool, you know?  (Character Quotes)
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