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Character Quotes

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You definitely put a bit of yourself in every character, and you always have to have an understanding and empathy for the person that you play  (Character Quotes) I hope to be known as a chameleon actress, as someone who can play any part out there, and someone who can transform herself into any kind of character there is  (Character Quotes) I try to master every facet of a character in order to build a safety net for myself, so I can go on to take more risks to create someone really distinct  (Character Quotes) You want to try and bring a character to life in an honest a way as you possibly can. It doesn’t matter whether he’s a doctor, an actor, a car salesman or a captain of a starship. If you can bring truth and honesty to that character, then your audience will believe you  (Character Quotes) I haven’t aged into a character actor. I’m an old leading man  (Character Quotes) Age is as much an asset for character players as it is for good wine. Human experiences, both good and bad, leave their marks on one’s face and bearing. A few lines on the face and a few gray hairs coupled with the idiosyncrasies an actor adopts throughout life help out round out the actor’s personality. So far as I’m concerned, the older a character actor gets, the firmer his position is  (Character Quotes) For a woman, body image is always a palpable thing. Weirdly, for me, the only time I don’t care is when I’m in character  (Character Quotes) I don’t like to intellectualize about my acting. I don’t sit around and study the pages of a script over and over again. I don’t worry whether the period is contemporary or three hundred years ago. Human beings are all alike. The main thing in acting is honesty, to feel the humanity and get to the essence of the character. You can’t put anything into a character that you haven’t got within you  (Character Quotes) With the story of your life, you don’t get to write the whole book, just your character  (Character Quotes) I really like acting because you can create a character. You can make someone who has never existed before. That’s neat  (Character Quotes) I’d play the same character for ten years if the words and the moments that I’m playing are authentic  (Character Quotes) Everyone can do a character the way they want to do it, unless the director tells them not to, which isn’t very common. I like to do my characters, if it’s not specific in the script, as myself  (Character Quotes) I didn’t get arrested to show off my wild character. People say its a gimmick for all five of us to be different. Thats ridiculous  (Character Quotes) I just want people to come to my stuff and escape and see me as a character, not as anything else  (Character Quotes) You are not just here to fill space or be a background character in someone else’s movie. Consider this: nothing would be the same if you did not exist. Every place you have ever been and everyone you have ever spoken to would be different without you. We are all connected, and we are all affected by the decisions and even the existence of those around us  (Character Quotes) Develop and protect a moral sensibility and demonstrate the character to apply it. Dream big. Work hard. Think for yourself. Love everything you love, everyone you love, with all your might. And do so, please, with a sense of urgency, for every tick of the clock subtracts from fewer and fewer  (Character Quotes) I’m not a huge fan of scary movies, but I love doing them because your character arc gets condensed, and everything is elevated, and so you kind of have this amazing opportunity to go in many different places  (Character Quotes) At 24, my head was as shiny as a cue ball on a billiard table. I naturally thought this meant curtains. Actually, I found it helped. When I was too young to play real character parts, they mistook me for older because of the bald noggin. I got juicy roles right from the start  (Character Quotes) If strength is measured by intelligence, honesty and depth of character, then yes, strong women are hot as hell  (Character Quotes) In many ways, acting is really like a science to me to figure out the human behavior of any character that I’m playing  (Character Quotes) You have to like your character, because if you don’t, no one else will either  (Character Quotes) I am good when there is something central about the character. There is always a human theme I attach myself to. I am really looking for something that is moving or enlightening or something with depth as an actor. I look for these kinds of roles  (Character Quotes) In order for comedy to be funny you have to play the truth of the moment. But if you’re not being completely truthful to the basis of the character, its not going to be funny  (Character Quotes) I just feel like I’m a part of a really cool group of ladies, really good actresses. And each of them kind of does it in their own way, but the character itself is such a great, strong lady that I like that they keep reinventing her  (Character Quotes) I give the character a history and a full life; this way the tears come naturally for the character in whatever situation calls for tears. Also, sometimes a certain song will help me feel emotions that evoke tears  (Character Quotes) Film is an avenue that I really want to explore more. I’ve learned that my personality is quite impulsive and spontaneous, so the idea that I could play a character for six months and then play something else immediately after is really appealing to me  (Character Quotes) Like an actor who transforms into the character that they’re playing, you can transform into yourself  (Character Quotes) Writers shouldn’t fall in love with their characters so much that they lose sight of what they’re trying to accomplish. The idea is to write a whole story, a whole book. A writer has to be able to look at that story and see whether or not a character works, whether or not a character needs further definition  (Character Quotes) Generally, if I can’t be true to the creator’s intention and spirit, I will probably shy away from working on a character  (Character Quotes) There is no worse flaw in man’s character than that of wanting to belong  (Character Quotes)
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