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The story is the only thing that’s important. Everything else will take care of itself. It’s like what bowlers say. You hear writers talk about character or theme or mood or mode or tense or person. But bowlers say, if you make the spares, the strikes will take care of themselves. If you can tell a story, everything else becomes possible. But without story, nothing is possible, because nobody wants to hear about your sensitive characters if there’s nothing happening in the story. And the same is true with mood. Story is the only thing that’s important  (Character Quotes) I admire many actors, though I don’t think there’s anyone whose career I would want to mirror sort of by the beats. What I’m really looking to do is constantly defy expectations. I’m very curious to see if you can actually have a character actor and a movie star’s career combined  (Character Quotes) You have to get it in your brain that you don’t belong to yourself as an actor, but that you belong to the director who creates the character  (Character Quotes) I always tell myself that when you’re playing a character, pretend they’re on trial and you’re giving the best witness of their life. You really need to think about every element of the character and represent them properly, as if they were a real person. You want to give 100 percent of what they’re worth and what they deserve as people  (Character Quotes) I can’t play anything until I find something that connects to my life, something I can carry as my secret map or code for the character  (Character Quotes) As an actor, I think it’s always important to separate yourself from your characters because, when you include yourself in a character, you’re taking a liberty that you don’t really have unless you’re life is that incredibly close to the character  (Character Quotes) The movies that work are the ones in which somebody very smart figured out how to take all the thematic material, all the character material, all the filigree, all the beautiful writing, and put it into a story  (Character Quotes) I feel like a good director provokes you to ask questions about your character, but doesn’t answer them for you  (Character Quotes) I think part of the fun of being an actor is getting to work with different directors and seeing their take on it, what they’re passionate about. They all have different ideas about your character  (Character Quotes) As I got further into my career, as a character of color, if I was going to have the types of opportunities I felt I deserved, and continue to have them, I was going to have to start creating those opportunities for myself  (Character Quotes) When you’re playing a character in a book, there’s already a lot of pressure because all of the millions of people who have read the series have been able to envision and become very attached to the characters  (Character Quotes) I think that’s what I love about writing, is the ability to try to, in a sense, take a vacation from yourself and try to enter the sensibility of another time, another character, another place  (Character Quotes) On the last drafts, I focus on the words themselves, including the rub of vowels and consonants, stressed and unstressed syllables. Yet even at this stage I’m often surprised. A different ending or a new character shows up and I’m back to where I began, letting the story happen, just trying to stay out of the way  (Character Quotes) Well, I think probably when I first got in the business, I wasn’t thinking of being strictly a character actor. But I knew I wanted to be a working actor, and as the years have gone on, I just naturally evolved into that. Because, y’know, I’m not a leading guy. Never was  (Character Quotes) The more limitations you put on a character, often times the better a character you’ll make them, the more interesting the story becomes because the character can’t simply wave a hand and make something happen. They have to work within the framework  (Character Quotes) Viewers can hate a character and at the same time can’t take their eyes off of him  (Character Quotes) My parents were very supportive and always encouraged us. My father was a gentle, nice man. My mother was quite a colorful character and a keen reader who encouraged me to write  (Character Quotes) The adventure evoked a quality of his character that he didn’t know he possessed  (Character Quotes) I can tell you that as a writer and as a reader, I regard character as king. Or queen. No matter how riveting the action or interesting the plot twists, if I don’t feel like I’m meeting someone who feels real, I’m not going to be compelled to read further  (Character Quotes) I’ve been able to perform in front of thousands of people on stage in a character that’s nothing like me. I’m very shy  (Character Quotes) To me, casting is all about finding a character within the actor off the screen as much as on the screen  (Character Quotes) It’s a whole other way of working when you work in films: You know exactly the arc of your character  (Character Quotes) The truth is, everything ultimately comes down to the relationship between the reader and the writer and the characters. Does or does not a character address moral being in a universal and important way? If it does, then it’s literature  (Character Quotes) I really like working in television and I like exploring a character over a longer period of time, and I like the consistency of television  (Character Quotes) As a writer, as much as I try, I can’t stop writing female characters. They have so much more to offer; they have to wear so many different hats. There’s so much wonderful gray matter in a female’s life that it just makes for a stronger character  (Character Quotes) I don’t steer towards anything. I steer towards character and truth. If it’s funny then so be it. If it’s dramatic, so be it. I just steer towards characters  (Character Quotes) For a writer, they say write what you know. As a performer, you find it in yourself, in your heart. You relate to the character. You try to live it, try to have it be real for you  (Character Quotes) Well, I think it can be quite helpful to be working on a character who actually existed, historically. Of course, you might have material to study and help you create the character  (Character Quotes) I see music as an aid. It overcomes my internal editor, especially when the music evokes the character or the mood I’m trying to build  (Character Quotes) At the very core of my relationship to learning is the idea that we should be as organic as possible. We need to cultivate a deeply refined introspective sense, and build our relationship to learning around our nuance of character  (Character Quotes)
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