Characters Quotes

Text Quotes
I promptly said that life was a random series of beautifully composed vignettes, loosely tied together by a string of characters and time (Characters Quotes)
The passion for the story is the wind in your narrative sails. Begin at the heart. We must hear the heartbeat of the story. Love your characters into existence (Characters Quotes)
A writing teacher once told me that the most successful movies and books were simple plots about complex characters. You should be able to articulate your concept in a couple of lines (Characters Quotes)
As a reader, you’re often inside one or more character heads, so you know what they’re feeling, even if they can’t exactly say it, or they say it so obliquely that the other characters don’t catch it. Readers are frequently reminded of the gulf between what people say and what they mean, and such moments prod us to become more attuned to gesture, tone, and language (Characters Quotes)
You can truly miss characters. Not like you miss people, but you can still miss them (Characters Quotes)
The only difference is that religion is much better organized and has been around much longer, but it’s the same story with different characters and different costumes (Characters Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to do characters that would help me find my connection with others and connect all of us together. You always want the energy of the character, the spirit of the person, to enter you (Characters Quotes)
Very often the characters people respond to best have little parts of reality they can relate to (Characters Quotes)
I have found that in fiction one is freer to speak the truth, if only because in fiction the truth is not expected or required. You may easily disguise it, so that it is only recognized much later, when the story and the characters have faded into darkness (Characters Quotes)
Make sure your characters are worth spending ten hours with. That’s how long it takes to read a book. Reading a book is like being trapped in a room for ten hours with those characters. Think of your main characters as dinner guests. Would your friends want to spend ten hours with the characters you’ve created? Your characters can be loveable, or they can be evil, but they’d better be compelling. If not, your reader will be bored and leave (Characters Quotes)
I always let the characters guide the stories. They really let me know what they want to say and what action they want to happen (Characters Quotes)
I always try to keep in mind that while the characters in a farce may find themselves in outrageous dilemmas, and may behave in a way that the audience finds amusing, the characters themselves don’t have the consolation of knowing they’re in a comedy (Characters Quotes)
Two kinds of reading can be distinguished. I call them reading like a reader and reading like a writer... when you read like a reader, you identify with the characters in the story. The story is what you learn about. When you read like a writer, you identify with the author and learn about writing (Characters Quotes)
Compelling characters are not cogs in the machine of your plot; they are human beings to whom the story happens (Characters Quotes)
I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters (Characters Quotes)
In fiction, plenty do the job of conveying information, rousing suspense, painting characters, enabling them to speak. But only certain sentences breathe and shift about, like live matter in soil (Characters Quotes)
I care more about making sure the story is correct and the characters are behaving in character than I do about the individual jokes (Characters Quotes)
When you make a movie, everyone should leave their own personal problems at home. When they start bringing those to set, filming can be very difficult... You don’t need any extra drama. Put the drama into the story, in the characters (Characters Quotes)
I find that, maybe because I’m also a singer, I hear music in characters all the time, even if they don’t sing. I hear what affects me in my heart (Characters Quotes)
You know how sometimes department stores have these things where, if you win, you get 10 minutes to go in and take anything you want from the store? That’s basically what I’m doing. I’m running in and just trying to grab as many characters as possible before they pull the plug on me (Characters Quotes)
Some of my favorite characters that I’ve played have been very pompous because I love making fun of pompous people (Characters Quotes)
Some of the most intense affairs are between actors and characters. There’s a fire in the human heart and we jump into it with the same obsession as we have with our lovers (Characters Quotes)
My mum’s an opera singer: I grew up watching her get swept up in music and transform herself into characters. She taught me that music is a lifelong journey, and that with every day and every song and every gig you learn something new (Characters Quotes)
I’m very attracted to characters who don’t necessarily make it easy to be loved (Characters Quotes)
I try to make my characters kind of ordinary, somebody that anybody could be. Because we’ve all had loves, perhaps love and loss, people can relate to my characters (Characters Quotes)
I became an actor so I can show you characters and never have to show you me (Characters Quotes)
Writers are magpies, and we collect details about people and we use them for fictional characters (Characters Quotes)
My only conclusion about structure is that nothing works if you don’t have interesting characters and a good story to tell (Characters Quotes)
A writer should bury his thoughts deep and convey them through the characters in his novel (Characters Quotes)
So many things suddenly made sense for the clowns, for the whole idea. I’d been going through a struggle, particularly after 9/11; I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to say. I still wanted the work to be the same kind of mixture – intense, with a nasty side or an ugly side, but also with a real pathos about the characters – and clowns have an underlying sense of sadness while they’re trying to cheer people up. Clowns are sad, but they’re also psychotically, hysterically happy (Characters Quotes)