Characters Quotes

Text Quotes
I love working fictional characters into a piece of history. It plays to my strengths, which are characterization and dialogue, and assists me in my admitted weakness, plot. (Characters Quotes)
The world is a stage we walk upon. We are all in a way fictional characters who write ourselves with our beliefs. (Characters Quotes)
I’m trying to listen to my past, listen to what’s most deeply going on inside myself, my creative set of fictional characters, a fictional world - to listen to that world, to search. (Characters Quotes)
But people do the same thing with the Bible. They memorize all the fictional characters, the parameters and the rules of the game and think it’s important, but I can’t get excited about that myself. (Characters Quotes)
I’d extend an invitation to Lisbeth Salander. She would definitely shake the party up and get it started. I think she is hands down one of the most original, innovative, kickass female fictional characters ever. (Characters Quotes)
Why bother with fictional characters and plots when the world was full of more marvelous stories that were true, with characters so fresh, so powerful, so new, that they stepped from into the narratives under their own power? (Characters Quotes)
A writer often wants to change a reader’s perception about the world, which is a political act. But we have to work through character, so helping the reader to feel close to fictional characters is the gate through which we have to usher the reader. (Characters Quotes)
Writing historical novels can be dangerous. We need to be as accurate and as fair about the historical record as we can be, at the same time as creating our fictional characters and, hopefully, telling a good story. The challenge is weaving the fiction into the history. (Characters Quotes)
The characters in my stories, whether historical or fictional, usually prove to be a compilation of influences taken from differing sources, but never drawn from one model. (Characters Quotes)
One of the things that makes characters real is details. Life offers a lot of details. You just have to choose and use them wisely. When you give them to fictional people and a fictional story, their purpose and their meaning changes, so it’s best to see the version in the book as fiction entirely, wherever it started out. (Characters Quotes)
I didn’t go out looking for negative characters; I went out looking for people who have a struggle and a fight to tackle. That’s what interests me. (Characters Quotes)
There are two characters in me: a doodler and a tuner. And the only thing that makes me go crazy is when they both fight for their turn. (Characters Quotes)
Writing is a solitary endeavor, but not a lonely one. When you write, your world is populated by the characters you invent, and you feel those people filling your life. (Characters Quotes)
Casting is so important, with any film you do. You have to get actors that you believe will fulfill the promise of the characters that are on the page. (Characters Quotes)
I’ve always loved film and wanted to work in film. I just love working and creating new characters, and trying different genres and different things. For me, I just love to work and I love movies. (Characters Quotes)
I would rather portray the hero, if it’s a really great film. All my favorite fictional film characters are heroes, such as in The Last of the Mohicans and Robin Hood. (Characters Quotes)
I went through a period when I felt my film characters were having more fun than I was. It might partly explain why I ended up tattooed or doing certain extreme things in my life. (Characters Quotes)
If I’d lived like my characters, I would have been dead before I’d made 16 films (Characters Quotes)
One of my favourite films is called ‘Lacombe Lucien,’ directed by Louis Malle. The lead character in that film, like the lead characters in many 70s and 80s films, has a moral ambiguity to him. (Characters Quotes)
If you wanna do a film where you have a big scope, you’ve got to make your characters relatable and genuine. (Characters Quotes)
Film and novel characters are often stereotyped, but racial stereotyping in many novels or films creates and encourages labelling, discrimination and racism. ~Angelica Hopes (Characters Quotes)
Intimacy between humans need not be relegated to independent film. Real characters can exist no matter what the scale of a movie is. (Characters Quotes)
I’m just attracted to good material and great characters and that can come in any form, whether it’s television or film or a theatre piece. (Characters Quotes)
It depresses me when people expect me to be like the characters I play on film. I’m not some whiny loser punk, I’m a man’s man. (Characters Quotes)
I really respond to human scripts, scripts that are raw and real and risky. I love playing scary characters - not horror film scary, but vulnerable scary. (Characters Quotes)
Fear has disappeared. No more fear. In Asia, it is different. They’ve discovered again the fear and the psychology of the characters. Without psychology, the horror film doesn’t exist. (Characters Quotes)
Film is much more visual, a scene is typically a lot shorter, you’re dealing with a lot more characters, a lot more locations, and you’re able to rely on things that you just can never do on the stage. (Characters Quotes)
I do find that when I see women who flesh out the television or film world and make it look more like the world I actually live in, I gravitate towards those characters. (Characters Quotes)
A little light on the RPG elements but heavy on action, ‘Mass Effect 2’ was the game that created a world of characters that I actually cared about. When it came down to making those tough decisions during the final mission, I actually had to put the controller down and think about my choices. (Characters Quotes)
We can have the final word on hate, neglect, disease and all the other insidious characters that still script their way into our stories...for now, but not forever. (Characters Quotes)