Charles Bradlaugh Quotes

Text Quotes
Atheism is without God. It does not assert no God (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
There is a court to which I shall appeal: the court of public opinion (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
I cannot follow you Christians; for you try to crawl through your life upon your knees, while I stride through mine on my feet (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
I cannot follow you Christians; for you try to crawl through your life upon your knees, while I stride through mine on my feet. (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
The word heretic ought to be a term of honour (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Liberty’s chief foe is theology (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Without free speech no search for truth is possible; without free speech progress is checked and the nations no longer march forward toward the nobler life which the future holds for man. Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech. The abuse dies in a day, but the denial stays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
If special honor is claimed for any, then heresy should have it as the truest servitor of human kind (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Will any one, save the most bigoted, contend, that it is not certain gain to humanity to spread unbelief in the terrible doctrine that eternal torment is the probable fate of the great majority of the human family? (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Is it not gain to have diminished the faith that it was the duty of the wretched and the miserable to be content with the lot in life which providence had awarded them? (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)
Idle and meaningless... a form less solemn to me than the affirmation I would have reverently made (Charles Bradlaugh Quotes)