Charles Caleb Colton Quotes

Text Quotes
Our very best friends have a tincture of jealousy even in their friendship; and when they hear us praised by others, will ascribe it to sinister and interested motives if they can (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
There are three kinds of praise, that which we yield, that which we lend, and that which we pay. We yield it to the powerful from fear, we lend it to the weak from interest, and we pay it to the deserving from gratitude (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Falsehood is never so successful as when she baits her hook with truth, and no opinions so fatally mislead us as those that are not wholly wrong, as no watches so effectively deceive the wearer as those that are sometimes right (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The sun should not set upon our anger, neither should he rise upon our confidence. We should forgive freely, but forget rarely. I will not be revenged, and this I owe to my enemy; but I will remember, and this I owe to myself (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Villainy that is vigilant will be an overmatch for virtue, if she slumber at her post (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Peace is the evening star of the soul, as virtue is its sun, and the two are never far apart (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
It is always easy to shut a book, but not quite so easy to get rid of a lettered coxcomb (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
An act by which we make one friend and one enemy is a losing game; because revenge is a much stronger principle than gratitude (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
When we feel a strong desire to thrust our advice upon others, it is usually because we suspect their weakness; but we ought rather to suspect our own (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Of all the passions, jealousy is that which exacts the hardest service, and pays the bitterest wages. Its service is to watch the success of one’s enemy; its wages to be sure of it (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
He that places himself neither higher nor lower than he ought to do exercises the truest humility (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
It is more easy to forgive the weak who have injured us than the powerful whom we have injured (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
When we are in the company of sensible men, we ought to be doubly cautious of talking too much, lest we lose two good things, their good opinion and our own improvement; for what we have to say we know, but what they have to say we know not (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Faults of the head are punished in this world, those of the heart in another; but as most of our vices are compound, so also is their punishment (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Our minds are as different as our faces. We are all traveling to one destination: happiness, but few are going by the same road (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
It is a mortifying truth, and ought to teach the wisest of us humility, that many of the most valuable discoveries have been the result of chance rather than of contemplation, and of accident rather than of design (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Time is the measurer of all things, but is itself immeasurable, and the grand discloser of all things, but is itself undisclosed (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
There is this paradox in fear: he is most likely to inspire it in others who has none himself! (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Of all the faculties of the mind, memory is the first that flourishes, and the first that dies (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
To cure us of our immoderate love of gain, we should seriously consider how many goods there are that money will not purchase, and these the best; and how many evils there are that money will not remedy, and these the worst (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the brightness of another’s prosperity, like the scorpion confined within a circle of fire, will sting itself to death (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The martyrs to vice far exceed the martyrs to virtue, both in endurance and in number (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The highest knowledge can be nothing more than the shortest and clearest road to truth; all the rest is pretension, not performance, mere verbiage and grandiloquence, from which we can learn nothing (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Strong as our passions are, they may be starved into submission, and conquered without being killed (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Fame is an undertaker that pays but little attention to the living, but bedizens the dead, furnishes out their funerals, and follows them to the grave (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
That which we acquire with the most difficulty we retain the longest; as those who have earned a fortune are usually more careful of it than those who have inherited one (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Flattery is often a traffic of mutual meanness, where although both parties intend deception, neither are deceived (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
In cases of doubtful morality, it is usual to say is there any harm in doing this? This question may sometimes be best answered by asking ourselves another; is there any harm in letting it alone? (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Ambition is to the mind what the cap is to the falcon; it blinds us first, and then compels us to tower by reason of our blindness (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)