Charles Caleb Colton Quotes

Text Quotes
The excess of our youth are checks written against our age and they are payable with interest thirty years later (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
There are three modes of bearing the ills of life, by indifference, by philosophy, and by religion (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder bolt is elicited from the darkest storm (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
To be obliged to beg our daily happiness from others bespeaks a more lamentable poverty than that of him who begs his daily bread (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
To dare to live alone is the rarest courage; since there are many who had rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field, than their own hearts in their closet (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
War kills men, and men deplore the loss; but war also crushes bad principles and tyrants, and so saves societies (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
No one knows where he who invented the plow was born, nor where he died; yet he has done more for humanity than the whole race of heroes who have drenched the earth with blood and whose deeds have been handed down with a precision proportionate only to the mischief they wrought (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Some frauds succeed from the apparent candor, the open confidence, and the full blaze of ingenuousness that is thrown around them. The slightest mystery would excite suspicion and ruin all. Such stratagems may be compared to the stars; they are discoverable by darkness and hidden only by light (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
I have found by experience that they who have spent all their lives in cities, improve their talents but impair their virtues; and strengthen their minds but weaken their morals (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The more gross the fraud the more glibly will it go down, and the more greedily be swallowed, since folly will always find faith where impostors will find imprudence (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
He that aspires to be the head of a party will find it more difficult to please his friends than to perplex his foes. He must often act from false reasons which are weak, because he dares not avow the true reasons which are strong (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The rich are more envied by those who have a little, than by those who have nothing (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
There is an elasticity in the human mind, capable of bearing much, but which will not show itself, until a certain weight of affliction be put upon it; its powers may be compared to those vehicles whose springs are so contrived that they get on smoothly enough when loaded, but jolt confoundedly when they have nothing to bear (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
The most consistent men are not more unlike to others, than they are at times to themselves (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Criticism discloses that which it would fain conceal, but conceals that which it professes to disclose; it is therefore, read by the discerning, not to discover the merits of an author, but the motives of his critic (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
As in the game of billiards, the balls are constantly producing effects from mere chance, which the most skillful player could neither execute nor foresee, but which, when they do happen, serve mainly to teach him how much he has still to learn; so it is in the most profound and complicated game of politics and diplomacy. In both cases, we can only regulate our play by what we have seen, rather than by what we have hoped; and by what we have experienced, rather than by what we have expected (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Of two evils, it is perhaps less injurious to society, that good doctrine should be accompanied by a bad life, than that a good life should lend its support to a bad doctrine (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Doubt is the vestibule which all must pass before they can enter into the temple of wisdom; therefore, when we are in doubt and puzzle out the truth by our own exertions, we have gained a something that will stay by us, and which will serve us again. But, if to avoid the trouble of the search we avail ourselves of the superior information of a friend, such knowledge will not remain with us; we have not bought but borrowed it (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Fortune has been considered the guardian divinity of fools; and, on this score, she has been accused of blindness; but it should rather be adduced as a proof of her sagacity, when she helps those who cannot help themselves (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
It is curious that some learned dunces, because they can write nonsense in languages that are dead, should despise those that talk sense in languages that are living (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Life is the jailer of the soul in this filthy prison, and its only deliverer is death (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Light, whether it be material or moral, is the best reformer; for it prevents those disorders which other remedies sometimes cure, but sometimes confirm (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Love is a volcano, the crater of which no wise man will approach too nearly, lest... he should be swallowed up (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Love, like the cold bath, is never negative, it seldom leaves us where it finds us; if once we plunge into it, it will either heighten our virtues, or inflame our vices (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
He that gives a portion of his time and talent to the investigation of mathematical truth, will come to all other questions with a decided advantage over his opponents (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
Unity of opinion is indeed a glorious and desirable thing, and its circle cannot be too strong and extended, if the centre be truth; but if the centre be error, the greater the circumference, the greater the evil (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
By privileges, immunities, or prerogatives to give unlimited swing to the passions of individuals, and then to hope that they will restrain them, is about as reasonable as to expect that the tiger will spare the hart to browse upon the herbage (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)
False reasoners are often best confuted by giving them the full swing of their own absurdities (Charles Caleb Colton Quotes)