Charles Churchill Quotes

Text Quotes
By different methods different men excel, but where is he who can do all things well? (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Enough of self, that darling luscious theme, over which philosophers in raptures dream; of which with seeming disregard they write then prizing most when most they seem to slight (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Within the brain's most secret cells a certain lord chief justice dwells of sovereign power, whom one and all with common voice, we reason call (Charles Churchill Quotes)
So gentle, yet so brisk, so wondrous sweet, so fit to prattle at a lady's feet (Charles Churchill Quotes)
I'll make them live as brothers should with brother, and keep them in good humor with each other (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Greatly his foes he dreads, but more his friends, he hurts me most who lavishly commends (Charles Churchill Quotes)
The rigid saint, by whom no mercy's shown to saints whose lives are better than his own (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Awkward, embarrassed, stiff, without the skill of moving gracefully or standing still, one leg, as if suspicious of his brother, desirous seems to run away from t'other (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Who, with tame cowardice familiar grown, would hear my thoughts, but fear to speak their own (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Think not for wrongs like these unscourged to live; long may ye sin, and long may heaven forgive; but when ye least expect, in sorrow's day, vengeance shall fall more heavy for delay (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Nature, through all her works, in great degree, borrows a blessing from variety. Music itself her needful aid requires to rouse the soul, and wake our dying fires (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Who all in raptures their own works rehearse, and drawl out measured prose, which they call verse (Charles Churchill Quotes)
View the whole scene, with critic judgment scan, and then deny him merit if you can. Where he falls short, 'tis nature's fault alone where he succeeds, the merit's all his own (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Who's in or out, who moves this grand machine, nor stirs my curiosity nor spleen: secrets of state no more I wish to know than secret movements of a puppet show: let but the puppets move, I've my desire, unseen the hand which guides the master wire (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Friends I have made, whom envy must commend, but not one foe whom I would wish a friend (Charles Churchill Quotes)
With that dull, rooted, callous impudence, which, dead to shame, and every nicer sense, never blushed, unless in spreading vice's snares, she blundered on some virtue unawares (Charles Churchill Quotes)
There's a strange something, which without a brain fools feel, and which even wise men can't explain, planted in man, to bind him to that earth, in dearest ties, from whence he drew his birth (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Men the most infamous are fond of fame, and those who fear not guilt yet start at shame (Charles Churchill Quotes)
The oak, when living, monarch of the wood; the English oak, which, dead, commands the flood (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Amongst the sons of men how few are known who dare be just to merit not their own? (Charles Churchill Quotes)
His voice no touch of harmony admits, irregularly deep, and shrill by fits. The two extremes appear like man and wife coupled together for the sake of strife (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Weak is that throne, and in itself unsound, which takes not solid virtue for it's ground (Charles Churchill Quotes)
With curious art the brain, too finely wrought, preys on herself, and is destroyed by thought (Charles Churchill Quotes)
There webs were spread of more than common size, and half starved spiders prey'd on half starved flies (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Who shall dispute what the reviewers say? Their word's sufficient; and to ask a reason, in such a state as theirs, is downright treason (Charles Churchill Quotes)
No statesman ever will find it worth his pains to tax our labours and excise our brains (Charles Churchill Quotes)
So lightly walks, she not one mark imprints, nor brushes off the dews, nor soils the tints (Charles Churchill Quotes)
Why should we fear; and what? The laws? They all are armed in virtue's cause; and aiming at the self-same end, satire is always virtue's friend (Charles Churchill Quotes)