Charles Kennedy Quotes

Text Quotes
Good political leadership for me involves getting the big decisions right - however difficult, however controversial, however potentially divisive - and then being able to take people with you. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
When I started knocking on Highland doors in May 1983, two things struck me more than any other. First was the sheer depth of hostility towards the Tories in general. Second was the particular hostility towards Margaret Thatcher and her local ministerial spear-carrier, energy minister and incumbent MP of 13 years’ standing, Hamish Gray. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
When it comes to our public services, decentralisation means giving power back to those on the front line - our doctors, nurses, teachers and physiotherapists, and our locally elected officials. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
That 1983 general election contained the telltale seeds of eventual Scottish Tory self-destruction (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
This country has a proud history of opening its doors to generations of people fleeing personal persecution, civil unrest and war. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
New Labour needs to realise that family life and the way we raise our children are private matters (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Britain is a European power. We cannot change our geography. Our involvement in the politics of European cooperation is one of necessity. Our wealth and our security depend upon it. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Federalism’, in the context of political and media usage in Britain, has come to mean the creation and imposition of a European superstate, one centralised in Brussels. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
We want a strong, vibrant economy for Britain so that we can set out a clear and affordable alternative programme for government. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Politics means facing up to hard choices and facing down prejudice, short-termism, the easy, tempting court of knee-jerk public reaction. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
I think that former leaders are best seen occasionally and not too often heard - particularly on the subject of their successors! (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
We actually believe in hope. But hope requires purpose. And purpose requires direction. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
When power is exercised exclusively at the centre, the result is rigidity of rules and alienation of the people subject to those rules. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
The terrorist seeks to smash the most fundamental liberty of all: the right to lead our everyday lives on the basic assumption of safety. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
I should do something about the cigarettes; I quite accept that it’s bad for your health, but you know a moderate tipple is positively beneficial and, at certain times, absolutely essential. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
We opposed unlimited detention without trial. We stood up for trial by jury as well. And of course we spoke up for asylum seekers and for the most vulnerable in our society. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
During my campaign, people of my age and younger said consistently that they would not vote because their votes simply no longer matter and because no government or member of Parliament cared a whit about their problems and their striving for employment. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
I know from my own parents how important active older people are to a local community (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Political parties need to look at the different kinds of support that people may need, suited to their way of life, and provide cost-effective solutions. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Many people want to scale back their working hours as they near the end of their careers, but not necessarily to give up work altogether. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
The late Roy Jenkins was both a mentor and a personal friend. He was a man of both phenomenal intellect and political achievement in equal measure. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
By common consent, most European countries support the maintenance of robust welfare states and are comfortable with taxation systems that support them. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
We Liberal Democrats don’t believe we should use the tax structure to champion just one type of family. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
The growing influence of focus groups means we are all in danger of being excessively cowed by their feedback. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Terrorism gravely threatens international peace and security, and as a solution, the power and apparent finality of force are seductive. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Just as we Liberal Democrats opposed the flawed logic of that war in Iraq - we will oppose the flawed government claim that we have to surrender our fundamental rights in order to improve our security. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
As someone who has led his party through two general elections, I have not always been immune from feeling the pressure of electioneering tactics. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
Democracy demands trust. It demands that sense of mutual understanding. And - it’s a two way street. You’ve got to give - as much as you take. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
The government’s instinct is to shroud itself in secrecy - to act like the office of a president instead of as a collective cabinet government held to account by the elected House of Commons. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)
We’ll need to revise the tired assumption that people automatically become more conservative as they grow older. (Charles Kennedy Quotes)