Charles R Swindoll Quotes

Text Quotes
Like sin itself, Satan appeals to the senses. He originated and perfected the art of disguising evil as good (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Elizabeth’s barreness and advanced age--a double symbol of hopelessness--became the means by which God would announce to the world that nothing is impossible for Him. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Worry is assuming responsibilities that you cannot handle. They truth is, they are responsibilities that God never intended for you to handle, because they are His. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Israel’s first king, Saul, looked like he was born for the role. He was tall, handsome, intelligent, and sensitive to God’s leading. But he eventually lost most of his attractive qualities, the most important being obedience. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
There is nothing more fearful for the average person in our society than to stand before a group of people and speak. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
It’s the nature of the beast within us to keep going back to the familiar rather than to strap on faith and face the future. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
People who are close to God cultivate a personal intimacy with Him like a good gardener cultivates beautiful flowers. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
So, you want to be like Christ? Me too. But that kind of godliness won’t just happen by hanging around a church or thinking lofty thoughts three or four times a day or learning a few verses of Scripture. It will take more - much more. Disciplining ourselves will require the same kind of focused thinking and living that our Master modeled during His brief life on earth. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
While I wholeheartedly believe in choosing to approach every challenge with a great attitude, I don’t mean that we should abandon authenticity and live in fantasyland. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Strength comes from choosing to fully trust, pray, and praise. Our circumstances may not change, but in the process we change. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Prejudice is a learned trait. You’re not born prejudiced; you’re taught it. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, it’s a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Wisdom is looking at life from God’s point of view. You look at life’s difficulties and tests as God looks at them. You look at family life and child rearing as God looks at them. You interpret current events as God would interpret them. You see the truth even though all around you are deception and lies. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
That’s what this thing called Christian life is all about, isn’t it. Going . . . yet not knowing. As followers of our Lord we believe He leads us in a certain direction . . . or in pursuit of a precise goal. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
It’s not our church; it’s God’s - it’s not our responsibility to run it! (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church but he cannot honestly ignore the fact that your life has been changed. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
The ministry of the church is a genuine concern for others. We need to stop talking about it and start doing it. Rise.Rise and shine, friend. Everyone you meet today is on heaven’s Most Wanted list. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Deep, contended joy comes from a place of complete security and confidence [in God] - even in the midst of trial. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Battles are won in the trenches, in the grit and grime of courageous determination; they are won day by day in the arena of life. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Joy is a deeply felt contentment that transcends difficult circumstances and derives maximum enjoyment from every good experience. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
No, the thing that makes for greatness is determination, persisting in the right direction over the long haul, following your dream, staying at the task. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
When you are giving people the gospel, you are giving them something to believe, and you have to set the stage for that. You don’t just drive up and dump the truck and drive off. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Dream big . . . don’t let anybody or anything break your wishbone. Stay strong, full of faith, and courageous... keep that backbone straight. And along the way, don’t forget to laugh and enjoy the journey. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Let`s choose each day and every day to keep an attitude of faith and joy and belief and compassion (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Humility - the discipline of putting others ahead of self, the choice to value others above self - is, at its core, a matter of faith. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
In spite of the extent to which Solomon went to find happiness, because he left God out of the picture, nothing satisfied. It never will. Satisfaction in life will never occur until there is a meaningful connection with the living Lord above the sun. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
Sometimes people can’t see past us to hear our message. We never have a second chance to leave a first impression. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)
I have no interest in returning to yesteryear. I love the conveniences and delights of today’s time. I wouldn’t go back if I could. (Charles R Swindoll Quotes)