Charming Quotes

Text Quotes
But there is something seductive and the character, Alfie is so charming, and does make you think like you are the most important thing in the world but he’s not that nice, is he (Charming Quotes)
Even that crazy lunatic, my aunt the Empress, wa absolutely sweet and charming (Charming Quotes)
I don’t think there’s been any writer like Samuel Beckett. He’s unique. He was a most charming man and I used to send him my plays (Charming Quotes)
I’m just an obnoxious guy who can make it appear charming, that’s what they pay me to do (Charming Quotes)
The Benson and Hedges Cup was won by McEnroe... he was as charming as always, which means that he was as charming as a dead mouse in a loaf of bread (Charming Quotes)
Someone should sue disney for making every little girl believe that they have a prince charming (Charming Quotes)
Ladies: Showing a great amount of skin when you dress up isn’t the way to find prince charming. Prince charming likes his gifts wrapped (Charming Quotes)
The right sort of gossip is a charming and stimulating thing. The Odyssey itself is simply glorious gossip, and the same may be said of nearly every tale of mingled fact and legend which has been handed down to us through the ages (Charming Quotes)
What’s cool about Spider-Man is that it’s everybody - anyone, you put on the suit, anyone believes that you’re Spider-Man. That’s what’s charming about the character. He’s anyone. He’s a huge nerd that ends up being this huge superhero (Charming Quotes)
[Johnny Depp] a wonderful artist, and such a talented person. I got along with him, splendidly. He’s charming and wonderful to work with. He’s a dream (Charming Quotes)
When I get up in the morning, I go and I work with beautiful women and charming men and funny comedians and dramatic artists. And I’m presented with costumes and great music to choose from and sets. I travel a certain amount of places, so I’ve been living in a bubble. And I like it (Charming Quotes)
The American woman is a charming creature. She is of a type most unusual and delightful... And their feet and ankles are the most perfect in the world. (Charming Quotes)
It’s like everyone I have dinner with, I’m having an affair with. Who was it I met the other day? Minnie Driver! She seems charming, but that’s the only time I’ve met her. (Charming Quotes)
I’ve dressed thousands of actors, actresses and animals, but whenever I am asked which star is my personal favorite, I answer, ‘Grace Kelly.’ She is a charming lady, a most gifted actress and, to me, a valued friend. (Charming Quotes)
When you’re as charming and physically attractive as myself, it’s easy enough to win over people you meet. But getting strangers to love, that’s the trick. (Charming Quotes)
My tendency to make awkward situations even more ininappropriate and uncomfortable was such a charming characteristic. (Charming Quotes)
My dad is a great writer. Naturally talented, naturally charming. He embodies that back-in-the-day cool. (Charming Quotes)
I couldn’t be as charming as my mother or as smart as my father. So I decided to be bad. (Charming Quotes)
To me ‘they lived happily ever after’ means to be happy with yourself! My parents always taught me that being happy has to work without Prince Charming. My life is completed without a prince but it’s nice of course to have someone who loves you and fights for you. (Charming Quotes)
Learn to use your brains as deftly as your powder box, and then, perhaps, powder box you will not need ... Know smart women men say beautiful - eyes snatched from the crowd and do not forget just charming. (Charming Quotes)
Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault.Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope. (Charming Quotes)
The moon is very charming, alluring, attracting and magical, not because of its beauty, but because of its illusion and reflection of change. (Charming Quotes)
It is a charming quality of the happiness we inspire in others that, far from being diminished like a reflection, it comes back to us enhanced. (Charming Quotes)
There comes a moment on a journey when something sweet, something irresistible and charming as wine raised to thirsty lips, wells up in the traveller’s being. (Charming Quotes)
I hate trying to play charming. Thinking about being charming is really tough. (Charming Quotes)
I’m a hopeless romantic. It’s disgusting. It really is. I’ve seen ‘While You Were Sleeping’, like, twenty times, and I still believe in the whole Prince Charming thing. (Charming Quotes)
You have to believe in love stories and prince charming and that eventually you’ll find your own happily ever after. (Charming Quotes)
My beloved friend - one of the most unique and charming personalities of our time (Charming Quotes)
Don’t give people the chance to possess you with their negativity; their gibberish can look so charming, but it can’t make you a better person. (Charming Quotes)
They always say, doing what I do for a living, write what you know and then people will respond to it. I luckily had a very charming, lovable mom who I think everybody could see bits and pieces of their mom in. All I had to do was write a character that was like my mom, and it made my life easier. (Charming Quotes)