Che Guevara Quotes

Text Quotes
Justice remains the tool of a few powerful interests; legal interpretations will continue to be made to suit the convenience of the oppressor powers (Che Guevara Quotes)
The fundamental principle is that no battle, combat, or skirmish is to be fought unless it will be won (Che Guevara Quotes)
There are no boundaries in this struggle to the death. We cannot be indifferent to what happens anywhere in the world, for a victory by any country over imperialism is our victory; just as any country’s defeat is a defeat for all of us (Che Guevara Quotes)
I will fight with all the weapons within my reach rather than let myself be nailed to a cross or whatever (Che Guevara Quotes)
I knew that when the great guiding spirit cleaves humanity into two antagonistic halves, I will be with the people (Che Guevara Quotes)
Wrapped in a police blanket, I watched the rain and smoked one black cigarette after another (Che Guevara Quotes)
And then many things became very clear... we learned perfectly that the life of a single human being is worth millions of times more than all the property of the richest man on earth (Che Guevara Quotes)
I finally felt myself lifted definitively away on the winds of adventure toward worlds I envisaged would be stranger than they were, into situations I imagined would be much more normal than they turned out to be (Che Guevara Quotes)
Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world (Che Guevara Quotes)
This is not a story of heroic feats, or merely the narrative of a cynic; at least I do not mean it to be. It is a glimpse of two lives running parallel for a time, with similar hopes and convergent dreams (Che Guevara Quotes)
The question is one of fighting the causes and not just being satisfied with getting rid of the effects (Che Guevara Quotes)
Man truly achieves his full human condition when he produces without being compelled by the physical necessity of selling himself as a commodity (Che Guevara Quotes)
The guerrilla band is not to be considered inferior to the army against which it fights simply because it is inferior in fire power (Che Guevara Quotes)
Guerrilla warfare is used by the side which is supported by a majority but which possesses a much smaller number of arms for use in defense against oppression (Che Guevara Quotes)
Youth should learn to think and act as a mass. It is criminal to think as individuals! (Che Guevara Quotes)
We must do away with all newspapers. A revolution cannot be accomplished with freedom of the press (Che Guevara Quotes)
To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate (Che Guevara Quotes)
To execute a man we don’t need proof of his guilt. We only need proof that it’s necessary to execute him. It’s that simple (Che Guevara Quotes)
It’s a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies (Che Guevara Quotes)
Youth must refrain from ungrateful questioning of governmental mandates. Instead they must dedicate themselves to study, work and military service. The very spirit of rebellion is reprehensible (Che Guevara Quotes)
I now know, by an almost fatalistic conformity with the facts, that my destiny is to travel (Che Guevara Quotes)
We must not return to the practice of hiding our defects so they may not be seen. That would be neither honest nor revolutionary (Che Guevara Quotes)
It is a revolution that came to power with its own army and on the ruins of the army of oppression (Che Guevara Quotes)
Where a government has come into power through some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and maintains at least an appearance of constitutional legality, the guerrilla outbreak cannot be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not yet been exhausted (Che Guevara Quotes)
Every person has the truth in his heart. No matter how complicated his circumstances, no matter how others look at him from the outside, and no matter how deep or shallow the truth dwells in his heart, once his heart is pieced with a crystal needle, the truth will gush forth like a geyser (Che Guevara Quotes)
We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it, to his home, to his centers of entertainment: a total war. It is necessary to prevent him from having a moment of peace, a quiet moment outside his barracks or even inside; we must attack him wherever he may be, make him feel like a cornered beast wherever he may move. Then his moral fiber shall begin to decline, but we shall notice how the signs of decadence begin to disappear (Che Guevara Quotes)
Hatred as an element of the struggle; a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy (Che Guevara Quotes)
Blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations, transforming the soldier in an effective, selective and cold killing machine. A people without hate cannot triumph against the adversary (Che Guevara Quotes)
Our children must have, or lack, those things that the children of the ordinary citizen have or lack; our families should understand this and struggle for it to be that way (Che Guevara Quotes)
We believe that the state is capable of understanding the needs of the nation; as such, then, the state must participate in the administration and direction of the university (Che Guevara Quotes)