Child Quotes

Text Quotes
My husband is a composer, so he plays piano all the time and I sit there and clap telling my unborn child, 'Hear me clap, hear the music.' I know music, in general, is supposed to be good for babies to hear (Child Quotes)
What I got which was unusual, especially as a child actress, was parents who believed that Hollywood was not that important. They told us education, family, health, all come first and they meant it (Child Quotes)
The idiot, the Indian, the child, and unschooled farmer's boy stand nearer to the light by which nature is to be read, than the dissector or the antiquary (Child Quotes)
Children are smarter than any of us. Know how I know that? I don't know one child with a full time job and children (Child Quotes)
The mother as a social servant instead of a home servant will not lack in true mother duty. From her work, loved and honored though it is, she will return to her home life, the child life, with an eager, ceaseless pleasure, cleansed of all the fret and fraction and weariness that so mar it now (Child Quotes)
I mean, being a child was being a child, was being a creature without power, without pocket money, without escape routes of any kind. So I didn't want to be a child (Child Quotes)
I believe we need a national amendment which will guarantee every child in America the promise of not just an equal education but a high quality equal education (Child Quotes)
The child learns to believe a host of things. I.e. it learns to act according to these beliefs. Bit by bit there forms a system of what is believed, and in that system some things stand unshakeably fast and some are more or less liable to shift. What stands fast does so, not because it is intrinsically obvious or convincing; it is rather held fast by what lies around it (Child Quotes)
It's funny; recently I've started to notice people's impersonations of me, and it's basically like a hyperactive child (Child Quotes)
To bring a child into existence without a fair prospect of being able, not only to provide food for it's body, but instruction and training for it's mind is a moral crime, both against the unfortunate offspring and against society (Child Quotes)
We've all seen the mom who devotes all her time and attention to her child and is so hungry for adult interaction that as soon as she's around another adult, she's not paying attention anymore (Child Quotes)
Happily he is the second time come to them for they say an old man is twice a child (Child Quotes)
No, no, I was only funny on stage, really. I, I, think I was funny as a person toward my classmates when I was very young. You know, when I was a child, up to about the age of 12 (Child Quotes)
When I was a child I asked my mother what homosexuality was about and she said - and this was 100 years ago in Germany and she was very open-minded - 'It's like hair color. It's nothing. Some people are blond and some people have dark hair. It's not a subject.' This was a very healthy attitude (Child Quotes)
I've always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly, having my first child hit home what my dad went through (Child Quotes)
As a child I wanted to be a grown-up. I wanted to know everything - not that I like to talk about it. I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion (Child Quotes)
O hateful error, melancholy's child! Why dost thou show to the apt thoughts of men the things that are not? O error, soon conceiv'd, thou never com'st unto a happy birth, but kill'st the mother that engender'd thee (Child Quotes)
And, father Cardinal, I have heard you say That we shall see and know our friends in heaven. If that be true, I shall see my boy again, for since the birth of Cain, the first male child, to him that did but yesterday suspire, there was not such a gracious creature born (Child Quotes)
Prayer is translation. A man translates himself into a child asking for all there is in a language he has barely mastered (Child Quotes)
I'm one of those hovering mothers and I know it's really important to have an independent child, so I'm trying to back off, but it's hard. I love him so much, and he's so funny and cute to me (Child Quotes)
Something in the heart of most human beings simply cannot abide pain inflicted on the innocent, especially children. Even broken men serving in the worst correctional facilities will often first take out their own rage on those who have caused suffering to children. Even in such a world of relative morality, causing harm to a child is still considered absolutely wrong. Period! (Child Quotes)
You don't play a game or color a picture with a child to show your superiority. Rather, you choose to limit yourself so as to facilitate and honor that relationship (Child Quotes)
Whatever landscape a child is exposed to early on, that will be the sort of gauze through which he or she will see all the world afterwards (Child Quotes)
I think that if you become a parent, you stop being a child, and your position in relation to your parents changes (Child Quotes)
No child is born with a really cold heart, and it is only in proportion as we lose that youthful heart that we lose the inner warmth in ourselves (Child Quotes)
My dreams and aspirations when I was a child for as long as I can remember was to be an entertainer (Child Quotes)
The last step in parental love involves the release of the beloved; the willing cutting of the cord that would otherwise keep the child in a state of emotional dependence (Child Quotes)
When you're a child, no matter if you're doing show business or sports or school or anything, you just want to make the adults happy (Child Quotes)
I was the youngest child and got a lot more freedom than my brother and sister. I used to wander, doing my own thing under the radar, but I didn't get in bad, bad trouble (Child Quotes)
Liking is not always the child of beauty; but whatsoever is liked, to the liker is beautiful (Child Quotes)