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Child Quotes

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The child taught to believe any occurrence a good or evil omen, or any day of the week lucky, hath a wide inroad made upon the soundness of his understanding  (Child Quotes) What a child does when not told what to do is the final indicator of what and who that child is  (Child Quotes) History is a child building a sand-castle by the sea, and that child is the whole majesty of man’s power in the world  (Child Quotes) It’s a family joke that when I was a tiny child I turned from the window out of which I was watching a snowstorm, and hopefully asked, momma, do we believe in winter?  (Child Quotes) Great comforts do, indeed, bear witness to the truth of thy grace, but not to the degree of it; the weak child is oftener in the lap than the strong one  (Child Quotes) A married man has only one duty towards his wife in order to make her happy, and that is to ensure that she is constantly pregnant, and with a child in her arms  (Child Quotes) One of the first things I had been taught as a child was never to believe a single word that was written in newspapers  (Child Quotes) No one understands the shift in priorities about having a child in your life... until you have a child in your life  (Child Quotes) The death of a child occasions a passion of grief and frantic tears, such as your end, brother reader, will never inspire  (Child Quotes) Not a child: I call myself a boy, says my king, with accent stern yet mild; now nine years have brought him change of joy - not a child  (Child Quotes) He said it was artificial respiration, but now I find I am to have his child  (Child Quotes) To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while. Your children need your presence more than your presents  (Child Quotes) I want to be spoiled like a child. Cry to my heart’s content. But I can only suppress my feelings  (Child Quotes) Shimrod said: Once I thought of you as a child in a woman’s body. Melanchte smiled a cool smile. and now? the child seems to have wandered away  (Child Quotes) Young readers have to be entertained. No child reads fiction because they think it’s going to make them a better person  (Child Quotes) Okay let’s get this over with, no I’m not seasick, yes I’ve always been green, No I didn’t eat grass as a child  (Child Quotes) Grief fills the room up of my absent child, Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me, Puts on his pretty look, repeats his words, Remembers me of his gracious parts, Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form  (Child Quotes) Attend your children’s athletic events. There’s nothing better than watching your child succeed while absolutely loving the opportunity to play in front of you  (Child Quotes) A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future  (Child Quotes) Abortion is defended today as a means of ensuring the equality and independence of women, and as a solution to the problems of single parenting, child abuse, and the feminization of poverty  (Child Quotes) Acting is very much like a child making believe. I’m not one to become a character, but I fall in love with the character. It’s like having faith; you’re going to be that person for a while  (Child Quotes) And as a child I was filled with passionate admiration for acts of civic courage I had seen performed by an elderly military doctor, who was a friend of my family  (Child Quotes) And I don’t believe that children are innocent. In fact, no one seriously believes that. Just go to a playground and watch the kids playing in the sandbox! The romantic notion of the sweet child is simply the parents projecting their own wishes  (Child Quotes) Aristotle uses a mother’s love for her child as the prime example of love or friendship  (Child Quotes) As a child I was a great liar. Fortunately my mother liked my lies. I promised her marvelous things  (Child Quotes) As a child, I didn’t know what I didn’t have. I’m thankful for the challenges early on in my life because now I have a perspective on the world and kind of know what’s important  (Child Quotes) At every step the child should be allowed to meet the real experience of life; the thorns should never be plucked from his roses  (Child Quotes) Birdie is amazing and such an incredible child and I’m having such a great time being a mom but I still want to have a career and I still look forward to auditions and parts, and when I don’t get them I’m disappointed  (Child Quotes) Child labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time  (Child Quotes) Every child senses, with all the horse sense that’s in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be  (Child Quotes)
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