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Child Quotes

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In mine opinion, love is fitter than fear, gentleness better than beating, to bring up a child rightly in learning  (Child Quotes) To a father, when a child dies, the future dies; to a child when a parent dies, the past dies  (Child Quotes) In marriage there are no manners to keep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism. Each is familiar with that ancient child in the other who may erupt again. We are not ridiculous to ourselves. We are ageless. That is the luxury of the wedding ring  (Child Quotes) I was always a great bundle of energy. As a child, instead of walking, I would run. And so running, which is a pain to a lot of people, was always a pleasure to me because it was so easy  (Child Quotes) Cause when I had my child, people tried to make me feel like life was over for me, and I started to believe that  (Child Quotes) Press coverage has been difficult for him. I did not set out to ensnare him with a child  (Child Quotes) All of my judges will want to welcome every child into the world, give them a place at the table  (Child Quotes) Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals  (Child Quotes) If I get a script that’s set in the jungle it goes to the bottom of the pile because I don’t think the playgrounds are going to be very good there! I’m really aware of how lucky I am but I have the kind of job where I can bring my child to work  (Child Quotes) It’s estimated that there may be two hundred and fifty million children in the world engaged in some form of exploitative child labour  (Child Quotes) I think any good literature, whether it’s for children or for adults, will appeal to everybody. As far as children’s literature goes, adults should be able to read it and enjoy it as much as a child would  (Child Quotes) I’ve always been a headstrong girl. I had my first child at 17, and it was a mistake, but I got a beautiful child out of it  (Child Quotes) Divorce isn’t the child’s fault. Don’t say anything unkind about your ex to the child, because you’re really just hurting the child  (Child Quotes) I was an only child, but then my parents resettled with different partners, and I am now one of six  (Child Quotes) I’m not squeamish at all. As a child I dragged a dead squirrel home on my skateboard and cut it open and tried to look at its brain  (Child Quotes) One of the greatest challenges in collecting child support is that deadbeat dads move from job to job and state to state. it’s hard to keep track of them  (Child Quotes) A mother is neither cocky, nor proud, because she knows the school principal may call at any minute to report that her child had just driven a motorcycle through the gymnasium  (Child Quotes) I didn’t have a good childhood because I never could get along with other kids. I was the child that sat in the corner eating lunch by herself  (Child Quotes) The child gets two confusing messages when a parent tells him which is the right fork to use, and then proceeds to use the wrong one. So does the child who listens to parents bicker and fuss, yet is told to be nice to his brothers and sisters  (Child Quotes) I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar on my shelf  (Child Quotes) When a woman is twenty, a child deforms her; when she is thirty, he preserves her; and when forty, he makes her young again  (Child Quotes) Birth was something that came quite unexpectedly, and afterwards there was one child more in the house  (Child Quotes) It is part of the photographer’s job to see more intensely than most people do. He must have and keep in him something of the receptiveness of the child who looks at the world for the first time or of the traveler who enters a strange country  (Child Quotes) At the time I was growing up in the business I was very well established within the industry as a child actor and as I grew up and turned into a teenager there was less and less work  (Child Quotes) Most child actors go through that. Unless you can transition into an adult star, your career is over  (Child Quotes) When I was a child and teenager I read whenever I had the opportunity, but since then I’ve found it hard to read as much as I’d like, children, work, and pets all providing powerful incentives to escape into a book and a practical reason why I rarely do so  (Child Quotes) When I was a child I wanted to be a petrol pump attendant. I suppose you have all sorts of thoughts as a child and at the time I figured that it was a way to avoid doing anything like going on stage  (Child Quotes) Being an actor is an extension of telling a story and I loved story telling as a child  (Child Quotes) If you wait until the right time to have a child you’ll die childless, and I think film making is very much the same thing. You just have to take the plunge and just start shooting something even if it’s bad  (Child Quotes) There’s a great deal of child left in me and acting is fun. It’s a make believe thing  (Child Quotes)
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