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Child Quotes

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Your body must be disciplined like a child, calmly but forcefully. You are, in fact, reeducating your body and as the various areas are convinced that you are serious, they will begin to obey. Your body is your child  (Child Quotes) Like an ant, I will find my way round any obstacle. Like a child, I will persevere with pinpoint focus  (Child Quotes) I am ready to obey as a child; :; but, not being a child, I think I ought to have a reason  (Child Quotes) If you instill in your child a love of the outdoors and an appreciation of nature, you will have given him a treasure no one can take away  (Child Quotes) You have to learn it all, then forget it and start again like a child. This is the inner evolution  (Child Quotes) We have the illusion of freedom only because so few ever try to exercise it. Try it sometime. Try to save your home from the highway crowd, or to work a trade without the approval of the goons, or to open a little business without a permit, or to grow a crop without a quota, or to educate your child the way you want to, or to not have a child. We all have the freedom of a balloon floating in a pin factory  (Child Quotes) If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn... If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive... If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident... If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love  (Child Quotes) I was never a lonely child who sat looking at the rain sliding down the window  (Child Quotes) It is not an easy thing for a parent of today to bear always in mind that every child of his is as truly an individual as he was when he was a child  (Child Quotes) They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets  (Child Quotes) It’s disgusting that some focus on looks. I brought a beautiful child into this world  (Child Quotes) No one aspires as a child to grow up and enter into a domestic partnership. But they do aspire as children to grow up and be married  (Child Quotes) I’ve always loved fairy tales. I think they perhaps led me to theater rather than the other way around. As a child I wanted to invent a machine that could record my dreams, so I could watch them in the morning; or hire someone to draw the things I had in my head, because I knew I didn’t have the skill to do it myself. Theater is that machine. I can make these images come to life and actually walk around inside them for a while  (Child Quotes) Qualifications of a pastor: the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child, and the hide of a rhinoceros  (Child Quotes) Creating new people, by having babies, is so much a part of human life that it is rarely thought even to require a justification. Indeed, most people do not even think about whether they should or should not make a baby. They just make one. In other words, procreation is usually the consequence of sex rather than the result of a decision to bring people into existence. Those who do indeed decide to have a child might do so for any number of reasons, but among these reasons cannot be the interests of the potential child. One can never have a child for that child’s sake  (Child Quotes) My mother always read to me as a child. I really believe that bonding time between a parent and child is so important and precious. I have lasting memories of those stories because the experience was special  (Child Quotes) Friendship is not a thing I have ever experienced. Not as a child, and not as I am now  (Child Quotes) Cosmic upheaval is not so moving as a little child pondering the death of a sparrow in the corner of a barn  (Child Quotes) Musical ability is not an inborn talent but an ability which can be developed. Any child who is properly trained can develop musical ability just as all children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue. The potential of every child is unlimited  (Child Quotes) Anyone who ever wondered how much they could love a child who did not spring from their own loins, know this: it is the same. The feeling of love is so profound, it’s incredible and surprising  (Child Quotes) As a child I made a pact with my mother. I agreed that we were doomed, that she and I abided together in a cocoon of melancholy  (Child Quotes) A widening circle of researchers believes that the loss of natural habitat, or the disconnection from nature even when it is available, has enormous implications for human health and child development. They say the quality of exposure to nature affects our health at an almost cellular level  (Child Quotes) If a serious statement is defined as one that may be made in terms of waking life, poetry will never rise to the level of seriousness. It lies beyond seriousness, on that more primitive and original level where the child, the animal, the savage, and the seer belong, in the region of dream, enchantment, ecstasy, laughter. To understand poetry we must be capable of donning the child’s soul like a magic cloak and of forsaking man’s wisdom for the child’s  (Child Quotes) If you own a gun and have a swimming pool in the yard, the swimming pool is almost 100 times more likely to kill a child than the gun is  (Child Quotes) What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become  (Child Quotes) In order to influence a child, one must be careful not to be that child’s parent or grandparent  (Child Quotes) If the first casualty of war is innocence, then perhaps with each bullet fired, bomb detonated, leader overthrown, wall built, economy destroyed and family member killed, we are not creating goodwill and harmony, but rather another child who believes violence is the only means to bring about change in the world  (Child Quotes) Whenever I see an unmarried woman carrying a child, my first response is one of respect. I know she could have taken the quick fix without anyone knowing, but she chose instead to let an innocent child live  (Child Quotes) Man has ruled this world as a stumbling demented child king, long enough. And as his empire crumbles, my precious black widow shall rise as his most fitting successor  (Child Quotes) You know, the critics never change; I’m still getting the same notices I used to get as a child. They tell me I play very well for my age  (Child Quotes)
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