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Child Quotes

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If you wish to educate a child who has gone wrong, then you must, above all, keep your attention fixed on the intersection of two charmed circles  (Child Quotes) I don’t think you understand what levels or what fears until you have a child of your own. I mean, I’ve never loved someone so much and I’ve never been so afraid in my life. And the truth is I would kill someone, whoever tried to hurt him. I would. I have no doubt about it  (Child Quotes) As a child, I always chose a false nose and some face paint and a wig for my birthday  (Child Quotes) The welfare and the future of our societies depend on our capacity to remain mobilized so as to improve the health of every mother and child  (Child Quotes) In the last analysis, human security means a child who did not die, a disease that did not spread, an ethnic tension that did not explode, a dissident who was not silenced, a human spirit that was not crushed  (Child Quotes) It’s scary to make major changes, but we usually have enough courage to take the next right step. One small step and then another. That’s what it takes to raise a child, to get a degree, to write a book, to do whatever it is your heart desires  (Child Quotes) Chess can help a child develop logical thinking, decision making, reasoning, and pattern recognition skills, which in turn can help math and verbal skills  (Child Quotes) I definitely don’t want to have kids... I don’t think I’d be a great mother. I’m a great aunt or friend of a mother... I don’t want to spend that kind of time. I don’t want to have a kid and have it raised by a nanny. I don’t have time to raise a child  (Child Quotes) To think that one child would go to bed hungry somewhere in this country is heartbreaking... to know how many do is virtually incomprehensible. This is not only a problem that exists in the far reaches of the globe. It happens right here in our own backyard. Together, as concerned citizens, we must do more to make sure every child’s needs are met  (Child Quotes) A struggle for existence is not a decent living. A man or woman or child may die of starvation in a city teeming with plenty. Only human life is concerned  (Child Quotes) I didn’t used to care about living a long time. Not that I wasn’t enjoying life, but I never sat around asking how I’d get to be 100, you know. But now I want to live long enough to see every school child in the world getting a good, nutritious lunch every day  (Child Quotes) I think the last few weeks for me have been just a very different emotional experience. Something I never thought I would feel myself. And I find... a lot of things affect me differently now. As any new parent knows, you’re only too happy to show off your new child and, you know, proclaim that he is the best looking or the best everything  (Child Quotes) As a child, a library card takes you to exotic, faraway places. When you’re grown up, a credit card does it  (Child Quotes) The child who dwells inside us trusts that there are wise men somewhere who know the truth  (Child Quotes) I want to believe in a personal God who looks after me and my loved ones and knows every sparrow that falls. But the suffering of one single child, or more likely, millions is evidence against that belief. The one question I want to ask god: how do you explain or justify the suffering of a child?  (Child Quotes) You want to provide as many opportunities and help rural schools as much as you can. But you can’t do it at the risk of affecting any of the quality standards and educational opportunities for any child, regardless of where they live and regardless of what the size of their school is  (Child Quotes) I’d never hurt a woman or a child. It’s just not in me  (Child Quotes) For those that say I endanger my child: it’s more likely that you will fall while walking on the sidewalk than I will while skating with my daughter  (Child Quotes) Fate is a story that’s been written for you by somebody else. By your parent’s genes, by what happened to you when you were a child, by your culture, by the fact that you were born a man or a woman. Destiny is a story that you write  (Child Quotes) Not every child takes instantly to books like a duck to water, but I don’t believe there are children who hate books. There are just children who haven’t yet found the right books for them  (Child Quotes) The interests of the deaf child and his parents may best be served by accepting that he is a deaf person, with an elaborate cultural and linguistic heritage that can enrich his parent’s life as it will his own  (Child Quotes) There is no sound more annoying than the chatter of a child, and none more sad than the silence they leave when they are gone  (Child Quotes) I wasn’t put on this earth to be housekeeper to my own child or to anyone else for that matter  (Child Quotes) I was a fat child and loved cake, perhaps because it was the only sweet thing in my life  (Child Quotes) If you’re offended by any word in any language, it’s probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child  (Child Quotes) Give your child a single valuable idea, and you have done more for his education than if you had laid upon his mind the burden of bushels of information  (Child Quotes) Your child will live a life ten years younger than you because of the landscape of food that we’ve built around them  (Child Quotes) The number of children is not growing any longer in the world. We are still debating peak oil, but we have definitely reached peak child  (Child Quotes) You can define how strong a democracy is by how its government treats... the child of the state  (Child Quotes) It is in playing, and perhaps only in playing, that the child is free to be creative  (Child Quotes)
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