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Child Quotes

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It’s not the job of the teacher to save a child’s soul; it is the teacher’s job to provide an opportunity for the child to save his own soul  (Child Quotes) The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language... I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child  (Child Quotes) Childhood’s work is learning, and it is in his play... that the child works at his job  (Child Quotes) The freest child is the child who is most interested in what he is doing, and at whose hand are the materials for his work or play  (Child Quotes) Children do not grow up all of a piece; look for the child of seven, especially to take many backward glances at the way he has come, while bounds and leaps unevenly ahead in his growth  (Child Quotes) Every morning is good news, every child that is born is good news, every just man is good news, every singer is good news, because every singer is one less soldier  (Child Quotes) There is a child in all of us, a person who believes in a glorious future  (Child Quotes) The calf scramble will be during both rodeo performances and consist of children attempting to catch and halter several loose calves. If a child succeeds, he or she will receive a certificate to purchase a breeding animal to raise and bring back to the livestock show next year  (Child Quotes) The mind of the child is not formed. We are shown that this is life, this is the world  (Child Quotes) If a mother respects both herself and her child from his very first day onward, she will never need to teach him respect for others  (Child Quotes) Today is the child of yesterday and the parent of tomorrow. The work you produce today will create your future  (Child Quotes) Every child has a dream, to pursue the dream is in every child’s hand to make it a reality. One’s invention is another’s tool  (Child Quotes) Enchanted worlds still exist because the child within us never dies. The doorways may be more obscure, but we can still seek them out. There are still noble adventures to undertake. There are still trees that speak and caverns that lead to nether realms. There will always be faeries and elves within nature because they will always be dancing in our hearts  (Child Quotes) I was in a very deep state of shock after that. I had raised my horse since he was six months old and he was more like a child to me, so I took it very hard. They never caught who did it and the stable did a great job of covering facts up so it couldn’t be proved that it was the direct result of the article, but the coincidence was striking  (Child Quotes) The bringing up, as of a child; instruction; formation of manners. Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties  (Child Quotes) If you want to know what you were conditioned to believe as a child, look at how you treat yourself now  (Child Quotes) The world amazed me, in that I saw it as I had when I was a child. I had forgotten the beauty and the magic and the knowingness of it and me  (Child Quotes) The achievement of freedom is hardly possible without the felt mourning. This ability to mourn, i.e, to give up the illusion of a happy childhood, can restore vitality and creativity if a person is able to experience that he was never loved as a child for what he was, but for his achievements, success and good qualities. And that he sacrificed his childhood for this love, this will shake him very deeply  (Child Quotes) If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If he lives with hostility, he learn s to fight. If a child lives with shame, he learn to fell ashamed  (Child Quotes) I navigate through the world with the excitement and determination of a child. That’s why I’m an artist. I’d die without an outlet for expression. Unfortunately, more often than not, that childlike energy is the maturity level I bring to many circumstances  (Child Quotes) The genius of happiness is still so rare. To possess it means to approach life with the humility of a beggar, but to treat it with the proud generosity of a prince; to bring to its totality the deep understanding of a great poet and to each of its moments the abandonment and ingenuousness of a child  (Child Quotes) All any grownup expects of an adolescent is that he act like an adult and be satisfied to be treated like a child  (Child Quotes) We are all a quarter good, a quarter bad, a quarter animal and a quarter child which equals a whole bunch of crazy  (Child Quotes) If every child matters, every child has the right to a good start in life. If every child matters, every child has the right to be included. And that is so important for children with special needs  (Child Quotes) Adults who think that children must be manipulated for their own good have developed the attitude of a controlling parent who lacks faith in himself, the child, or humanity or himself  (Child Quotes) I’m a big child at heart. I think it’s important to stay that way and not lose the wonder of life  (Child Quotes) If you treat your feelings with as much love as you treat your dog or your cat or your child you’ll feel as if you were living in heaven  (Child Quotes) The answer is not to standardize education, but to personalize and customize it to the needs of each child and community. There is no alternative. There never was  (Child Quotes) A child is a reinvigorating experience. It almost does feel like immortality, but not in the way people think. It reminds us there are universal truths that are most simply seen through the mind of a young person  (Child Quotes) A boy is supremely confident of his own power, and dislikes being treated as a child  (Child Quotes)
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