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Child Quotes

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I learned... every part of the body; I would move each part as I memorized it. As a child, I would lie in the woods for hours, hiding and watching the animals move, how the mother taught the young  (Child Quotes) Child labor becomes a label of condemnation in spite of its ancient function as the quickest, most reliable way to human independence  (Child Quotes) My beloved child, break your heart no longer. Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart  (Child Quotes) If a child has been able in his play to give up his whole loving being to the world around him, he will be able, in the serious tasks of later life, to devote himself with confidence and power to the service of the world  (Child Quotes) We should always do something that makes us feel like a child again. Keep learning, no matter what it is  (Child Quotes) If you want to know who you are, look into the true mirror. The flower will reflect your beauty. The sky will reflect your vastness. The ocean will reflect your depth. The child will reflect your innocence. But if you look into the mirror that is unconscious humanity, you are looking into the wrong mirror. Your reflection will be distorted by their projections  (Child Quotes) Next, suddenly, lightning suddenly, while I am still a child, a branch is lopped from my being, and a portion of my childhood ends forever. I see what poets are  (Child Quotes) I didn’t mind my own company as a child; I was happy playing alone in the sandpit  (Child Quotes) I suffered first as a child from discrimination, poverty... So I think it was a natural follow from that that I should use my camera to speak for people who are unable to speak for themselves  (Child Quotes) It’s like a child who is used to having ice cream whenever he wants. When it doesn’t come when he asks he tends to get confused and nervous  (Child Quotes) My body wasn’t made to look good in a string bikini. It was made to feed and nurture a child  (Child Quotes) My younger daughter told me recently that when she was a child she thought the typewriter was a toy that I went into my room and closed the door and played with  (Child Quotes) Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that’s all. I am not creating a game. I am in the game. The game is not for children, it is for me. It is for an adult who still has a character of a child  (Child Quotes) My grandmother did not come to see me till a month after my birth. I was born seven years after my only sister and my birth was a big disappointment for her. In it there is a message that I understand very well now about the discrimination against the girl child. My uncles and other relatives are against encouraging girls. My parents are more open. They back me all the way  (Child Quotes) A man should be like a child with his wives, but if they need him, he should act like a man  (Child Quotes) Every child, woman, and man should possess license to speak or sing in his or her true voice  (Child Quotes) Storytelling is at the heart of life. As a child, I was never bored because I could always get on with my story  (Child Quotes) Music is always my great escape... I get to be that wild child and do whatever the hell I want on stage  (Child Quotes) Imagine a world where children were fed tasty and nutritious, real food at school from the age of 4 to 18. A world where every child was educated about how amazing food is, where it comes from, how it affects the body and how it can save their lives  (Child Quotes) See yourself as a small child, fragile and vulnerable, and breathe in. Smile with love to this small child within yourself, and breathe out  (Child Quotes) Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. It is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace that is right for each individual child. Earlier is not better  (Child Quotes) Allow the child to be authentic, to move, to feel the way they move, appreciating them for what they are  (Child Quotes) Write it down and remember that we never gave in, the mind of a child is where the revolution begins, so if the solution has never been to look in yourself, how is it that you expect to find it anywhere else  (Child Quotes) Having a first child is like swallowing an intoxicating drink made of equal parts joy and terror, chased with a bucketful of transitions nobody ever tells you about  (Child Quotes) We won’t win every battle. We won’t save every child. But together we can be the standard bearers of human dignity by being present in humility and in solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable individuals, families and communities  (Child Quotes) I am a child of cinema, and I am a cineaste, so everything I do is a reference to something I’ve heard or experienced or seen. And we all do it, we all steal. The ones who claim they don’t, are obviously lying, because you do. You just have to make it your own  (Child Quotes) That’s how oppression works. Thousands of otherwise decent people are persuaded to go along with an unfair system because changing it seems like too much bother. The appropriate response when somebody demands a change in that unfair system is to listen, rather than turn away or yell, as a child might, that it’s not your fault. Of course it isn’t your fault. I’m sure you’re lovely. That doesn’t mean you don’t have a responsibility to do something about it  (Child Quotes) One changed child eventually changes a family. A changed family will influence change in its church. Enough changed churches will transform a community. Changed communities change regions. Changed regions will in time change an entire nation  (Child Quotes) I always had the intuition, even as a little child, that I was called for a big project  (Child Quotes) Throughout my life, I’ve been gratified that I’ve been able to keep the child in me alive and inspire others  (Child Quotes)
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