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Child Quotes

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As a child, I was very shy. Painfully, excruciatingly shy. I hid a lot in my room. I was so terrified to read out loud in school that I had to have my mother ask my reading teacher not to call on me in class  (Child Quotes) Everyone has a first love, and mine was the western. When I was a child and dreamed of the movies, it was always as a cowboy on a white horse  (Child Quotes) Being a part of the theater community has been important to me from the time I was a child, through my parents  (Child Quotes) I’m really passionate about pantomime because it is often the first introduction for a child to theatre, and if that child has a great experience at a pantomime they will continue to come year after year  (Child Quotes) It’s not the child’s responsibility to teach the parent who they are. It’s the parent’s responsibility to learn who the child is  (Child Quotes) A name, for me, is a short way of working out what class that child comes from. Do I want my child to play with them?  (Child Quotes) Every artist, as child of his age, is impelled to express the spirit of his age  (Child Quotes) It is infinitely more useful for a child to hear a story told by a person than by computer. Because the greatest part of the learning experience lies not in the particular words of the story but in the involvement with the individual reading it  (Child Quotes) Have you ever observed somebody go through a religious conversion? The person seems perfectly reasonable to you and has no particular concern for religion. Then a parent, friend or child dies or he gets a serious illness or is involved in a car accident. In just a matter of weeks, he seeks out and finds the answers to all of life’s questions and starts studying and spouting all sorts of doctrine. During such a window of vulnerability, religion can commandeer a person’s brain  (Child Quotes) That a little child will lead us back to the child we will always be, vulnerable and wanting and hurting for love and for beauty  (Child Quotes) I was always active as a child. My dad tried to place me in every sport imaginable. I had so much energy, he wanted to push me in a direction where that energy was used appropriately to keep me out of trouble and focused while I was in school  (Child Quotes) The most important educational need of the child is to feel himself worthy of love and a worthy dispenser of love. If infants learn what love is, they can go through life with sanity and happiness  (Child Quotes) Every baby moves with more ease and efficiency if allowed to do it at his own time and in his own way, without our trying to teach him. A child who has always been allowed to move freely develops not only an agile body but also good judgment about what he can and cannot do  (Child Quotes) Remember, nobody can make another person fall asleep. How to relax and let sleep come is a skill your child, like everybody else, must learn all by herself  (Child Quotes) A lot of work still remains but I will see the end of child labor in my lifetime  (Child Quotes) Wouldn’t life be easier for both parents and infants if parents would observe, relax and enjoy what their child is doing, rather than keep teaching what the child is not yet capable of?  (Child Quotes) I send out thoughts of love and peace and healing to the whole universe: to all trees and plants and growing things, to all beasts and birds and fishes, and to every man, woman and child on earth, without any distinction  (Child Quotes) It’s very important not to put pressure on a child. Make sure that she/he feels that whatever happens it’s not the end of the world. If they cry after a loss that’s normal, as adults also hate to lose. If they win a game you should make them feel very proud but make sure they know the next game will be another challenge  (Child Quotes) You have debased my child... You have made him a laughingstock of intelligence... a stench in the nostrils of the gods of the ionosphere  (Child Quotes) Play permits the child to resolve in symbolic form unsolved problems of the past and to cope directly or symbolically with present concerns. It is also his most significant tool for preparing himself for the future and its tasks  (Child Quotes) The child is born speaking the languages of birds; the child has horns and scales and wings; it has a beak; it has a cloven hoof. He is the sum of all creatures: the ones that swim, the ones that soar, the ones that leap, the ones that maze the earth with burrows  (Child Quotes) I pray that no child of mine would ever descend into such a place as a library. They are indeed most dangerous places and unfortunate is she or he who is lured into such a hellhole of enjoyment, stimulus, facts, passion and fun  (Child Quotes) See all living beings as your father or mother, and love them as if you were their child  (Child Quotes) Every child needs nature. Not just the ones with parents who appreciate nature. Not only those of a certain economic class or culture or set of abilities. Every child  (Child Quotes) As a child I had dealt with a lot of loss and grief. I was constantly losing my parents, losing my home, constantly moving around, living with this stranger, that stepfather, or whatever  (Child Quotes) The only parental authority I had was the studio. When I was a star, there was always somebody with me, to guard me. I was not allowed to be photographed with a cigarette, a drink, a cup of coffee or even a glass of water because someone might think it was liquor. When I left the studio I was already married and had two children, but I felt as sad as a child leaving home for the first time  (Child Quotes) A lot of people worry much too much about what their children are reading... If a child picks up a book and reads something she has a question about, if she can go to her parents, great. Or else they will read right over it. It won’t mean a thing. They are very good, I think, at monitoring what makes them feel uncomfortable. If something makes them feel uncomfortable they will put it down  (Child Quotes) The top priority is leaving no child behind. We want accountability in the system, and we want schools to recognize they have a responsibility to teach students  (Child Quotes) If just one person, one child who is made to feel isolated, looks at me and sees that it is okay to be your own person and walk down your own path, then everything I have ever gone through will be worth it  (Child Quotes) If the child has not an object that it can occupy itself with, it feels ennui; for it does not yet know how to occupy itself with itself  (Child Quotes)
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